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Svetislav Pešić (1949) Zagledan u budućnost košarke / Looking into the future of basketball

2 Sep , 2017  

Za dva dana koliko sam slušao našeg proslavljenog trenera čuo sam dve bitne stvari, za koje ne mogu reći da ih nisam znao, ali ih je teško sprovesti.Prva nikoga ne treba kritikovati, ali treba otvoreno pričati o svemu. A druga da se problem mogu sagledati drugačije, čak i onda kada je nakon dugo konsultacija dogovoreno rešenje. Suština je u tome da uvek postoji bolje rešenje. Kada je košarka u pitanju očigledno treba težiti najboljem rešenju, jer drugi po popularnosti sport ne treba da izgubi poziciju. Interesantni su predlozi Pešića po pitanju Eurobasketa (zašto na 4 godine?), Evrolige (kako rešiti problem?), NBA košarkaša (da li je interes vlasnika da igrači učestvuju an Eurobasketu?), razvoja košarke itd. Ne želim da ih prepričavam jer su neki kontroverzni, a na kraju krajeva nisu javno izrečeni. Ostaje i moja primedba da se naši novinari malo bave analizom košarke i da bi bilo dobro da sem praćenja rezultata nekad pišu o razvoju i strategiji. Ovako mi se čini da bivši trener Bajerna, i čovek koji je doneo Jugoslaviji svetsko i evropsko zlato, ali takođe i Nemcima evropsko ima viziju koja ne dopire do javnosti, a trebalo bi. Nekad imam utisak da zaboravljamo one koje vrede. Valjda je to deo vremena u kome živimo, kada neko drugi to sve zna bolje.

fotografija snimljena za vreme gledanja utakimice Srbija-Rusija 73:75 u Tel Avivu, Eurobasket 2017

After two days of listening to our great coach, I heard two important things, which I cannot say that I did not know, but they are difficult to implement. The first one is fact that nobody should not be criticized, but it is necessary to talk openly about everything. And the other one is that the problem can be seen differently, even when a solution is agreed upon after a long consultation. The essence is that there is always a better solution. When it comes to basketball, obviously it should be searched for the best solution, because the second sport by popularity should not lose the position. There were interesting ideas of Pesic about Eurobasket, (why every 4 years?), Euroleague (how to solve the problem?), NBA basketball players (whether it is the interest of the owners that players participate on the Eurobasket?), basketball development and etc. I do not want to persuade them because some are controversial, and in the end, they are not publicly pronounced. My remark remains that our journalists are not analysing the basketball and that it would be good not only to monitor the results, but to write about strategy and development. This seems to me that former coach of the Bayern, and the man who brought Yugoslavia World and European gold, but also to German basketball the European gold, has a vision that does not reach the public, and it should be. Sometimes I have the impression that we forget those who are worth it. It’s a part of the time in which we live, when someone else knows it better.

photo taken during watching the match between Serbia-Russia 73:75 in Tel Aviv, Eurobasket 2017

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