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Shohre Khalili (1995) – nova generacija / new generation

20 Oct , 2017  

Most people who come to Iran have some prejudice.The meeting with Shohre already denied the majority at the first step. A young woman was ahead of us, who gave her hand and shook hands. They told us that we are not shaking hands with women. She took us to the museum of the most famous painter, which was a real surprise. He was fashionable, but kind a fairy. He achieved the greatest successes outside, lives in California, and is celebrated in Iran. We have read that Iran does not appreciate its international artists. Instead of the tea that everyone offered us, she took us to a modern coffee shop to a real espresso. It was written that Iranians would not drink a real espresso. She passed us through the city and the bazaar and in a short time showed all aspects of life in Tehran. She studies tourism. Listen to heavy metal. Her name means celebrity. They told us the girls were conservative. Obviously, in Iran, a new generation respect limits of the society in which they live, but also everything that the world offers. They learned to live, not confronting the rules, but at the same time not giving up on anything.

Većina ljudi koja dođe u Iran ima neke predrasude. Susret sa Shohre već na prvom koraku je demantovao većinu. Pred nama je bila mlada žena, koja je prva pružila ruku i rukovala se. Rekli su nam da se sa ženama nikako ne rukujemo. Odvela nas je muzej najpoznatijeg slikara, koji je bio pravo iznenađenje. Bio je moderan, ali nekako bajkovit. Postigao je najveće uspehe napolju, živi u Kaliforniji, a proslavljen je u Iranu. Pročitali smo da Iran ne ceni svoje internacionalne umetnike. Umesto na čaja koji su nam svi nudili, odvela nas je u moderni coffee shop na pravi espreso. Pisalo je da Iranu nećemo popiti pravi espreso. Provela nas je kroz grad i bazar i za kratko vreme prikazala sve aspekte života u Teherenu. Studira turizam. Sluša hevi metal. Ima joj znači celebrity. Rekli su nam da su devojke konzervativne. Očigledno da u Iranu stasa nova generacija svesna limita sredine u kojoj žive, ali i svega što svet nudi. Naučili su da žive, ne prkoseći pravilima, ali istovremeno ne odričući se ničega.

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