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Saša Plećević (1970) Još uvek svež / Still fresh

17 Jul , 2018  

Ni sam ne znam kada sam prvi put upoznao Sašu,  ali znam da smo se odmah prepoznali. Neverovatan je njegov put od lekara hitne pomoći, specijaliste anestezije do guru fitnesa u Srbiji. Očigledno da je za to bio predodređen, jer je od početka nenametljivim stavom predstavio svoje ideje i započeo nešto što niko nije uspeo pre njega. Naravno, takav se uspeh u Srbiji ne oprašta, pa je stekao mnogo oponenata. Jedna od dobrih osobina je što se na to nije osvrtao, već je napravio je prvi lanac fitnes klubova i naterao stotine žena da redovno vežba. I ne samo da vežbaju, već i da ga slušaju. Danas je bilo gotovo komično izvinjavanje starije gospođe koja je uživanje u sladoledu prekinula obraćajući se Pleći. Očigledno je čula njegovu priču o četiri bele smrti, pa je nastavila tek kada je abolirana za višak kalorija iz šećera. I to je uticaj koji niko nema, ne samo na lepši pol, već i na decu. Tako deca mog prijatelja misle da je Pleća izmišljen lik sa TV-a, a roditelji su prezadovoljni jer su zavaljujući njemu deca počela da jedu zelenu salatu, paradajz, krastavce… Napisao je nekoliko knjiga i stripova i naterao i bolesne da drugačije misle o svojoj bolesti. Sve ostalo što je uradio teško je pobrojati, jer tu ima svega od zdrave ishrane do izgradnje bazena za decu. I kada pomislite da mu je svega dosta, danas se pojavljuje se sa novim idejama svež baš kao što mu piše na majci. I tu je klopka za sve one koji ne vide da je njegov duh jači od njegovih mišića.

I do not know when I first met Sasha, but I know that we immediately recognized each other. His way from an emergency doctor, specialist in anaesthesia to the fitness guru in Serbia, is unbelievable. Apparently, he was born for this, because he presented his ideas from the beginning with a modest attitude and started something that no one achieved before him. Of course, such success in Serbia is not forgiven, and he has gained many opponents. One of the good manner of him is that he did not take care about gossips, instead he made the first chain of fitness clubs and “forced” hundreds of women to practice regularly. And not only to practice, but also to follow him. Today, it was almost comical apologizing of an elderly lady who interrupted the enjoyment of ice cream by talking to Pleca. Obviously, she learned his story of four white deaths, and she continued when she was abolished for excess sugar intake. And that influence nobody has, not only on the more beautiful gender, but also on the children. My friends’ children think that the Pleca is a fictional character on TV, and the parents are very satisfied because of him kids started eating green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers … He wrote several books and comics and made the ill people think differently about their disease. Everything else he did is difficult to list because there is everything from healthy nutrition to building a children’s pool. And when you think he is a little bit fed up of everything, today he appears with new ideas fresh just as it is written on his T shirt. And there is a trap for those who do not see that his spirit is stronger than his muscles.


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