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Radmila (Vassileva) Turner (1964) – Basketball as a philosophy / Košarka kao filozofija

21 Jul , 2017  

That’s what Radmila does, use her sports skills at every opportunity and try to solve problems by applying the basketball. I learned from her a lot about rules, coaching, behavior, attitude towards basketball, but also life, development, education, projects, as well as ethics and attitude toward sports, which is more and more important to me. It is not easy to talk to her, because she is an Olympic athlete who has participated in so many World and European championships, that it is difficult to find a similar one. Plus, for her, the most people who were not athletes do not understand the problem. I am almost in that group, although it seems to me that sometimes she supports my arguments. In any case, I am grateful for everything I learned, although I believe that I will never be able to learn everything. I already hear her voice in the background: Of course not!

What the sports experience means it could be illustrated by the case from two days ago. At the European competition, one team had a stomach infection. Concerned that the infection does not expand, we went to visit them immediately. Team physio told us that he and three players had stomach problems and diarrhea. When I asked if they went out somewhere, he answered negatively, saying that after the defeat they were thrown out and only wanted to analyse where they were wrong. As a doctor, I gave the usual advice, not thinking too much, while Radmila was silent. That day, the team played a second game and won. The trouble was over, which Radmila used to explain that they had no stomach problems, but it was a reaction to defeat. Since somebody had to be guilty, it was the best to say they have been sick.

And that’s actually the essence of things. Experience and talent. What Radmila says there are people who are born, but need to adopt some skills, and I would add that there are people who are born talented, but they also master the skills, which is in the case of Radmila. All in all, those who are working with her are fortunate.

Upravo to radi Radmila, koristi svoje sportsko znanje u svakoj prilici i razrešava probleme primenjujući košarku. Od nje sam naučio mnogo o pravilima, treniranju, načinu ponašanja, odnosu prema košarci, ali i životu, o  razvoju, edukaciji, projektima, ali i o etici odnosno stavu prema sport, što je meni sve važnije. Nije sa njom lako razgovarati, jer je ona olimpijska sportiskinja koja je učestvovala na toliko svetskih i evropskih prvenstava, da je teško naći sličnu. Plus za nju većina ljudi koja nije bila vrhunski sportista ne razume problem. Ja sam skoro u toj grupi, mada čini mi se da nekad uvaži moje argumente. U svakom slučaju zahvalna sam ja za sve što sam naučio, iako verujem da nikada neću uspeti da naučim sve. Već čujem njen glas u pozadini: Naravno da ne!

Šta znači sportsko iskustvo možda najbolje ilustruje događaj od pre dva dana. Na evropskom takmičenju jedan tim je imao stomačnu infekciju. Zabrinuti da se infekcija ne proširi odmah smo otišli da ih posetimo.  Fizioterapeut tima nam je ispričao da su on i trojica igrača imali stomačne probleme i proliv. Na pitanje da li su izlazili negde odgovorio je negativno rekavši da su nakon poraza bili utučeni i  želeli samo da analiziraju gde su grešili. Ja sam kao doktor dao uobičajene savete, ne razmišljajući mnogo, dok je Radmila ćutala. Tog dana tim je igrao drugu utakmicu i pobedio. Tegobe su prestale, što je Radmila iskoristila da objasni, da stomačnih tegoba i nije bilo, već je to bila reakcija na poraz. Pošto je morao neko da bude kriv, najbolje je bilo da bude nešto objektivno, kao npr. bolest.

I to je u stvari suština stvari. Iskustvo i talent. Što kaže Radmila postoje ljudi koje se rode, ali je potrebno da usvoje neke veštine, a ja bih dodao postoje ljudi koje se rode talentovani, ali vladaju i veštinama, što je slučaj kod Radmile. U svakom slučaju srećni su oni koji rade sa njom.



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