1000 portreta

Prof. Snežana Lazarević (1972) – Duša od filigrana / Filigree soul

16 Jul , 2017  

Neke ljude ne upoznate na vreme, ali imate osećaj da ih dugo poznajete. Moj susret sa Nenom je upravo bio takav. Ne sećam ni kada se to desilo, ali sam znao da sam susreo nekoga koga odavno poznajem. Verovatno se borci prepoznaju, a ona to zaista jeste. Izborila se mnogo toga. O nekim stvarima sam pisao u svojim knjigama i znam koliko je teško. Bio sam bar dva puta svedok, šta znači boriti se protiv teške bolesti i ostati pozitivan. U Neninom slučaju to je kao srebrna filigranska žica koja se savija kroz život praveći divan ornament. To verovatno prepoznaju samo ljudi sa Mediterana, kojima materijalne vrednosti nisu sve.

Ona danas uspešno vodi jednu visoku školu, pošto je prethodno postavila na noge i jedan fakultet. Snagu za to crpe upravo iz tog pozitivnog stave prema životu, jer da nije tako ne bi ni uspela. Predaje timski rad i kamo sreće da su naučile od nje i kolege, a ne samo studenti. Ovako su neke dobre šanse propuštene, jer je nisu slušali. A moram da priznam da uspešnu ženu na Balkanu i ne žele da slušaju, već pre da je disciplinuju.

Kaže da je te večeri bila umorna, ali je lepa kao i uvek. Liči na neke od portreta opisanih u mojoj prvoj knjizi Ordinacija doktora Faustusa. Čini se da crno bela slika sve to pokazuje, a pre svega njenu filigransku dušu.

Some people do not get to know on time, but you have the feeling that you have known them for a long time. My encounter with Nena was just like that. I do not even remember when it happened, but I knew that I met someone I know. Probably the fighters recognize themselves, and she is really the one. A lot of things came out. About some things I wrote in my books and I know how hard it is. I was at least twice a witness, what it means to fight a serious illness and stay positive. In Nena’s case, it is like a silver filigree wire that bends through life making a beautiful ornament. This is probably only recognized by people from the Mediterranean, whose material values ​​are not all.

She successfully runs one College today, having previously set up on the feet and one faculty. The strength is drawn from her positive attitude towards life, because if it were not so, she would not have succeeded. She lectures about teamwork. It would have been nice that she taught her colleagues, not just students. This is how some good chances are missed because they did not listen. And I have to admit that a successful woman in the Balkans does not want to be listen, but rather a discipline.

She says she was tired that night, but she is as beautiful as ever. It looks like some of the portraits described in my first book, Doctor Faustus’s office. It seems that the black and white picture shows all this, and above all her filigree soul.


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