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Nenad Đurđević (1957) – Igra s mačkama / Dancing with the cats

25 Dec , 2017  

Mnogo mačaka je prošlo kroz Nenadovo dvorište  i sve su lepo ugošćene. Ove današnje možda nisu tako vične, kao ondašnje, ali Nenad im ne traži manu. Uvek svima pomaže, jer je ekspert u svom poslu. Možda su mu draže one iz velike države, jer se njih rado seća, kao i drugi nostalgičari. Zvale su njega razne da im predsedava i pomogne. Bio je jednom i predsednik crkvene opštine, ali najviše se zadržao u sportu. Možda zato što su tu divlje mačke, a on zna kako da propiše pravila da bi borba bila fer. A tek koliko se istakao u regulisanju upotrebe pomoćnih sredstava. Napisao je prvi antidoping zakon. Od tada je jasno svim mačkama da neme prečice do macine trave, osim ako to doktori ne dozvole. A ko tako poznaje sportsko pravo logično je predsednik sportskog arbitražnog suda, dekan pravnog fakulteta u Kragujevcu i pisac svih zakona o sportu. Jednog trenutka su neki psi pokušali da prekinu njegovu blistavu karijeru, ali se Nenad kao i sve mačke dočekao na noge i evo njega i danas ovde, a karavani prolaze…  Srećni smo što Nenad radi sa nama, jer on kao i svaka mačka ne voli sve, već samo one koje izabere.

Many cats went through Nenad’s yard and all were well-housed. These today may not be as vicious as those in the past, but Nenad does not look for a weakness. Always helping everyone, because he is an expert in his business. Perhaps they prefer those from the big state, because he is happy to remember, as well as other nostalgics. They called him various to preside and help. He was once the president of the church municipality, but he retained the most in sports. Maybe because there are wild cats, and he knows how to prescribe rules so that the fight is fair. And just as much has been emphasized in regulating the use of performance enhancing aids. He wrote the first anti-doping law. Since then, it is clear to all cats that they will not have a shortcut to the cat grass, except if doctors allow it. And who knows sports law so good is the president of the sports arbitration court, the dean of the Faculty of Law in Kragujevac and the author of all sports laws. At one point some dogs tried to break his brilliant career, but Nenad, like all the cats, came to his feet and he is here today, and the caravans pass by… We are happy that Nenad works with us because he, like any cat, does not love everybody, but only those who choose it.

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