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Milinko Trifković (1948) – Koreni / Roots

1 Feb , 2018  

Ispalo je da sam slučajno slikao Milinka ispred slika njegovih predaka,a u stvari nisam, verovatno zato što obojca marimo za pretke, ali i zbog mnogih drugih stvari na koje gledamo slično. Bilo bi komplikovano da sad obrazlažem koliko je naše slično viđenje porodice i ostalih odnosa među ljudima, a mnogo lakše da pokažem koliko volimo iste stvari, na primer ronjenje i slične adrenalinske događaje. Možda Milinko više nego ja, jer u stvari ne bih mogao da se zamislim sa ronilačkom bocom u sifonu neke špilje ili na motoru iako mi je kardiolog zabranio, ali zato je valjda Milinko toliko drugačiji, pa mu se i klub zobe Dno dna. Trenutno se češće viđamo zbog jedne parnice i nadam se Milinkova teza da advokatura nije posao već način života, opravdati moja očekivanja. Za sad jeste, jer su njegove intervencije originalne, ali ipak pravo zadovoljstvo će biti satisfakcija, odnosno ne samo dobijen spor koliko nauk protivničkoj strani da su pogrešili i činjenica da smo se već pokazali da nismo kao oni, jer mi imamo korene.

It seemed by chance that I took a photo of Milinko in front of the pictures of his ancestors, and in fact I am not, probably because we care for ancestors the same and many other things that we are looking at similarly. It would be complicated to explain now how much perception of our family and other relationships among people are similar, and it’s much easier to show how much we like the same things, such as scuba diving and similar adrenaline events. Maybe Milinko is more than me, because in fact I could not imagine scuba diving with bottle in the siphon of a cave or driving a motorcycle even though my cardiologist forbade it, but that’s why Milinko is so different, so his scuba club is called Bottom of the bottom. Currently, we are more often seen because one lawsuit and I hope Milinko’s thesis that lawyer is not a job but a way of life, will justify my expectations. For now, it is, because his interventions are genuine, but the real pleasure will be satisfaction, not only to get the court case, but to teach the opponent’s side that they were wrong, and the fact that we have already shown that we are not like them because we have the roots.


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