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Mesud Mesko Rebronja (1957) Više od rendžera / More then a Renger

15 Sep , 2020  

Verovatno svaka zemlja ima svoje neznane junake,  koji su svojim delima zadužili sredinu, a  pre svega prirodu. Da nema Interneta verovatno nikada ne bi saznali za  Jadav Payenga, poznatijeg kao „Forest men“ koji je na ostrvu Majuli u Indiji napravio čitavu šumu na preko 500 hektara i spasio celo ostrvo od nestajanja (https://interestingengineering.com/jadav-payeng-the-man-who-planted-an-entire-forest-by-himself ) ili Sebastiao Salgada i njegova supruga Leliu koji su proveli 20 godina presađujući uništenu šumu u Brazilu (https://www.demilked.com/couple-replant-forest-sebastiao-leila-salgado-reforestation/).  I kod nas javnosti nepoznati ljudi svojim delom pokazuju vrednost onoga što imamo. Tako je rendžer Mesud Rebronja uticao da Uvac postane i ostane rezervat prirode. Ne samo da je odredio ključna mesta za turiste, upriličio ljudima da uđu i dožive Uvac, nego je kao pravi rendžer postao zaštitnik ne samo živog sveta, već i stanovnika oko Uvca. I sam dolazak sa njim prestavlja atrakciju, jer ne postoji niko ko mu se ne obraduje. To je verovatno kontroverzno samo po sebi za nekoga ko predstavlja red i zakon, jer zna se da kod nas ljudi ne vole da baš drže do zakona. Ali Mesko je jasan, pravila moraju da se poštuju, ali to ne znači da ne možemo da budemo prijatelji. Izgleda da je uspeo da nauči ljude da to prihvate, jer su ga pozdravljali svi od ugostitelja i ribolovaca do turista.

Naravno sve to nije važno koliko Meskova nadarenost da priča. I sam kaže da bi mogao da napiše hiljadu strana o doživljajima sa turistima. Nije lako ni zapamtiti šta se sve događalo, počev od snimanja filma „Sivi kamion crvene boje“ i scene sa velikim brojem beloglavih supova, preko VIP gostiju iz sfera politike i glume, raznih ekskurzija i proslave rođendana. Definitivno Uvac duguje deo popularnosti Meskovoj pripovedačkoj veštini i vodičkoj sposobnosti.

Razmišljam da nismo sreli Meska provozali bi se menadrima Uvca, ali se verovatno ne bi kupali prešavši tanak spoj zemlje između dva meandra. Možda bi videli u daljini Beloglave supove, ali ne bi naučili ništa o njihovom životu. Verovatno ne bi videli druge vrsta ptica kojih ima preko 180 vrsta ili prisustvovali vađenju soma kapitalca. Sigurno ne bi ni razumeli o kakvom se kanjonu radi, okruženim sa pet planina, na kojima ima vukova i drugog životinjskog sveta. Čine se i podjednako važne priče o životu naroda pa i mogućnost da se popnemo na viseći most koji je omogućio da se spoje sela sa obe strane kanjona, ali i da deca idu u školu. Podseća sve to na velike nacionalne parkove u kojima sam bio, samo oni nemaju rendžera kao što je Mesko.

Razumeo sam da je Mesko vozio i francusku glumicu koja je skoro kod nas snimala film i pitam se da li je moguće da je bio sa Monikom Beluči, a da to ne zna. Bilo je tamo dosta romantičnih priča, zaprošenih devojaka, snimanja nekoliko televizijskih emisija, od kojih Mesko spominje 48 sati svadba, ali meni je nekako najintrigantnije devojačko veče. Šta li su radile sve te devojke na čamcu koji klizi Uvcem. Ko zna, možda će Mesko jednog dana da napiše knjigu, a do tada vam ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da odete na Uvac i da ako imate sreće vaš vodič bude Mesko.

Probably every country has its unknown heroes, who have changed the environment, and above all, nature, with their deeds. Without the Internet, we would probably never know about Jadav Payenga, better known as „Forest Men“, who made an entire forest on the island of Majuli in India on over 500 hectares and saved the whole island from extinction (https://interestingengineering.com/jadav-payeng -the-man-who-planted-an-entire-forest-by-himself) or Sebastiao Salgada and his wife Leliu who spent 20 years transplanting a destroyed forest in Brazil (https://www.demilked.com/couple-replant -forest-sebastiao-leila-salgado-reforestation /). Even in our country, people unknown to the public show the value of what we have. That is how the ranger Mesud Rebronja influenced Uvac to become and remain a nature reserve. Not only did he determine the key places for tourists, arrange for people to enter and experience Uvac, but as a dedicated ranger, he became the protector not only of the living world but also of the inhabitants around Uvac. Coming with him is an attraction because no one who is not happy to see him. This is probably controversial in itself for someone who represents law and order, because it is known that people do not like to stick to the law in our country. But Mesko is clear, the rules must be respected, but that does not mean that we cannot be friends. He seems to have managed to teach people to accept it because he was greeted by everyone from caterers and fishermen to tourists.

Of course, all that doesn’t matter how much Mesko’s talent speaks for himself. He says that he could write a thousand pages about experiences with tourists. It is not easy to remember everything that happened, starting with the shooting of the movie „Gray Red Truck“ and the scene with a large number of griffon vultures, through VIP guests from the spheres of politics and acting, various excursions and birthday celebrations. Uvac owes part of its popularity to Mesk’s storytelling and leadership skills.

I think if we hadn’t met Mesko, we would have taken a ride to the meandering of Uvac, but we probably wouldn’t have swimming by crossing a thin junction of land between two meanders. We might see Griffon Vultures in the distance, but we would learn nothing about their lives. We probably wouldn’t have seen other bird species, of which there are over 180 species, or witness a catfish fishing. Surely we would not even understand what kind of canyon it is, surrounded by five mountains, wolves, and other wildlife. There seem to be equally important stories about the lives of the people and the opportunity to climb the suspension bridge, which enabled the villages on both sides of the canyon to be connected and for the children to go to school. It reminds me of all the big national parks I’ve been to, only they don’t have rangers like Mesko.

I understood that Mesko was also driving a French actress who was recently shooting a movie in Serbia, and I wonder if it is possible that he was with Monica Bellucci without knowing it. There were many romantic stories, proposed girls, filming of several television shows, of which Mesko mentions 48 hours of weddings, but somehow the most intriguing for me is a girls’ evening. What were all those girls doing on the boat gliding down the Uvac? Who knows, maybe one day Mesko will write a book, and until then you have no choice but to go to Uvac, and if you are lucky, your guide will be Mesko.

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