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Ljubica Vučković (1945) – Majka / Mother

14 Jan , 2018  

Želeo sam da posetim Tatjaninu mamu nekoliko puta.Danas sam uspeo. Spakovao sam Noli me tangere majcu, sakrio suze i otišao. Na vratima je stajala žena slična Tatjani samo starija, iste gracilne građe, osmeha i pokreta ruku. Zagrlio sam je. Kao da je preda mnom bila Tatjana.  A onda se pojavio Cane lajavi beli terijer, kao sa Black and white viskija. Tatjana ga je kupila i eto ima već devet godina. Setio sam se kad ga je dovodila u kafe u Palmotićevu. Voleo bih da sam rekao Tatjaninoj mami nešto utešno, umesto što sam pokušao da umirim Caneta. Možda sam pogrešio kada sam rekao koliko mi Tatjana nedostaje, jer verovatno nema jače žene od majke u žalosti, koja ustaje svako jutro i nastavlja da živi. Ipak mislim da je sećanje na onoga koga nema najvažnija stvar i da konačna uteha može da bude samo vera u ponovni susret i ujedinjenje duša na nekom drugom svetu. Dogovorili smo se  zajedno odemo na groblje. Jedva čekam da se ponovo sretnemo. Nedostaje mi sve što je postojalo kada je Tatjana bila ovde, a njena mama me je tako podsetila na nju.

I wished to visit Tatiana’s mom a few times. Today I succeeded. I packed Noli me tangere T shirt, hide tears and went there. At the door there was a woman similar to Tatiana only older, same graceful body, smile and movement of the hand. I hugged her. As if Tatiana is in front of me. And then Cane appeared, a white terrier, like the one at the black and white whiskey. Tatiana bought it and has been nine years old. I remembered when she brought him to a coffee shop in Palmoticeva. I wish I told Tatiana’s mom something comforting, instead of trying to calm Cane. Maybe I made a mistake when I said how much I miss Tatiana because probably there is no stronger woman than mother in sadness, who wakes up every morning and remains to live. Still, I think that remembering the one who is no longer with us is the most important thing, and that the final grief can only be a faith in the reunion of souls in some another world. We agreed to go to the cemetery together. I cannot wait to meet her again. I miss everything that existed when Tatiana was here, and her mom reminded me so much of her.


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