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Ksenija Petrović (1989) – Možda ima nade / Maybe there is hope

8 Jan , 2018  

Božićna šetnja sa Nininom drugaricom iz škole.Divna devojka, tačnije buduća majka za koji mesec. Dobar student, zatim dvogodišnji volonter, pa na pp (privremene i povremen poslove) i konačno zaposlena u sudu. Sprema državni ispit i verovatno ga polaže nedelju dana pred porođaj. Ne sumnjam u  uspeh, znam dete od malena, ali ovako napisano izgleda kao da smo u nekoj normalnoj zemlji. Mada ne znam u kojoj normalnoj zemlji ljudi volontiraju. Pa ova zemlja počiva na besplatnoj radnoj snazi najboljih školaraca u sudstvu, zdravstvu, školstvu itd. Pa zamislite da neko nakon uspešno završenih studija besplatno radi dve godine. Pa neko od tih koji ih tako zapošljava to ne bi dozvolio svom detetu. Pa ta kovanica pp poslovi, izmišljena da bi armija ljudi radila bez prava odmor ili bolovanje, a bila uvek na raspolaganju. I konačno srećan kraj. Svaka čast onome koje zaposlio trudnu pravnicu u zemlji koja se bori sa belom kugom. Možda ipak ima nade za nas, da će mladi i stručni ljudi dobiti posao, ostati u zemlji i roditi decu. Liči na Patrijarhovu poslanicu, mada ne toliko jednostavnu i razumljivu. I zato  i dozvolite da verujem u nadu i da će najbolji pobediti, jer je onda sve moguće.

A Christmas walking with Nina’s friend from school. Wonderful girl, more precisely mother in a few months. A good student, then a two-year volunteer, then a pp (temporary and occasional job) and finally employed in court. She is preparing the state exam and probably she finishes a week before birth. I have no doubt about success, I know a child from a small one. Everything it looks like we are in a normal country. Although I do not know in which normal country people volunteer. So, this country is based on the free labour force of the best school students in the field of law, health care, education, etc. Imagine someone who works for two years after successfully completing studies for free. And some of those who hire them, would not allow their child the same. Then this phrase pp jobs, created for an army of people to work without proper rest or sick leaves and always available. And finally, a happy ending. It is an honour to the one who hired a pregnant lawyer in a country struggling with a white plague. Perhaps there is hope for us, that young and professional people will get a job, stay in the country and give birth to children. It resembles the Patriarch’s epistle, though not so simple and understandable. Finally, let me believe on Christmas in hope and the best will win, because then everything is possible.


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