1000 portreta

Kikito (2016) – Anikin vršnjak – Anika’s peer

10 Sep , 2017  

Šta sve čovek ne sazna preko Google-a, još jedna Zvezda u sazvežđu umetnosti portreta, i to bez imena, samo inicijali. Ukucajte JR art i videćete čudo neviđeno, čak i ako mnogo putujete. Kad je taj čovek stigao da postavi sve te instalacije u Berlinu, Tokiju, Riju, Parizu, italijanskim gradovima, favelma, Gazi, Los Anđelesu…Moraću od sada pažljivije da gledam kada putujem.  Pa ti neverovatni formati koji prikazuju portrete migranata, žena, dece, ljudi…Jedino osobe na portretima nemaju imena. Opet mnogo nepoznatih ljudi, i sve do poslednjeg dela instaliranog na granici Teksasa i Meksika. Velika slika dečka po imenu Kikito, koji je proslavio prvi rođendan prošlog aprila, gleda na Trampov zid sa ostatkom sveta. Crno beli portret na ogromnoj instalaciji zbog američkih vlasti je morao da bude povučen nekoliko metara od zida, ali Kikito i dalje izgleda kao da nalakćen na zid gleda i pita se dokle. Dokle će razni ludaci da prave zidove, razdvajaju ljude i čine budućnost naše dece sve neizvesnijom. Valjda je logično da Kikitu i mojoj unuci Aniki, koja se rodila mesec dana kasnije, ostavimo nešto više sem zida.

What does man would not learn through the Google, another Star in the universe of art of portraits, artist without name, only initials. Search JR art in browser and you will see the wonder unseen, even if you travel a lot. When this man managed to set up all those installations in Berlin, Tokyo, Rio, Paris, the Italian cities, Favelas, Gaza, Los Angeles … I’ll have to look more carefully now when I’m traveling. And these incredible formats that presents portraits of migrants, women, children, people … Only portraits do not have names. Again many unknown people, and up to the last one installed on the border of Texas and Mexico. A big picture of a boy named Kikito, who has celebrated his first birthday in April, looks at the Tramp wall with the rest of the world. A black-and-white portrait on a huge installation due to US authorities had to be pulled a few meters from the wall, but Kikito still looks as if he was lying  at the wall looking and wondering until when people will be like this. As long as the various crazy people make walls, they separate people and make the future of our children more and more uncertain. It is logical that we leave Kikita and my granddaughter Anika, born a month later, a little more beside the wall.




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