1000 portreta

Jasmina Juras (1978) Sjaj Iskustva i znanja / The glow of experience and knowledge

27 Aug , 2022  

Dobro je kada sport vode ljudikoji su prethodno sticali iskustvo i peli se u sportskoj karijeri stepenik po stepenik. A još bolje je kada to radi neko ko je prošao sve uključujući i olimpijske igre i to ne tek tako nego sudivši finale u košarci 3 x 3 u Tokiju 2021. Ako se tome doda da je u pitanju žena onda ispada sve kontroverzijine, pogotovo u našem konzervativnom društvu. Konačno da bi sve bilo interesantnije ona je jedan od retkih  košarkaških sudija koji je sudio na olimpijskim igrama i 5 x 5 i i 3 x 3.

Sada je na poziciji predsednika Sportsko saveza Vojvodine, a po svemu što je završila i radila verovatno bi mogla da bude više angažovana u košarci. I to ne samo zato što ima neverovatnu karijeru, i što je postala instruktor u FIBA, već i zato što je završila Fakultet sporta i ima znanje koji drugi tako lako potcenjuju. Siguran sam da bi njen angažman u košarkaškom savezu bio isto tako uspešan kao i suđenje 3 x 3 gde praktično o danas jedino sudi, jer se sa velikog terena povukla nakon više od dvadeset godina suđenja.

Negde sam pročitao da najbolji ženski evropski i svetski sudija, što nije tačno, jer ovo ženski je nepotrebno ograničenje, pošto se slobodno  može reći da je jedan od najboljih košarkaških sudija. Koliko je samo finala sudila i na koliko je takmičenja učestvovala, i još učestvuje, jer je za razliku od drugih videla značaj 3 x 3 košarke. Možda bi joj baš zbog toga trebalo dati da stečeno iskustvo pokaže i preuredi naš 3 x3 basket, jer je to neophodno nakon neverovatnih uspeha koje postižu naši momci. Nakon svega što je prošla lako se može videti da  joj košarka i suđenje nisu bili samo profesija nego su postali i način života.

It’s good when sports are led by people who have previously achieved experience and climbed their sports career. It’s even better when it’s done by someone who has been involved in everything, including the Olympic Games, and not just like that, but by refereeing the 3×3 basketball finals in Tokyo in 2021. If you add to the fact that she is a woman, then all the controversy turns out to be, especially in our conservative society. Finally, to make everything more interesting, she is one of the few basketball referees who has officiated both 5 x 5 and 3 x 3 at the Olympic Games.

Now she is in the position of president of the Sports Association of Vojvodina. She could probably be more involved in basketball according to everything she has completed and worked for. And not only because she has an incredible career and became an instructor at FIBA, but also because she graduated from the Faculty of Sports and has knowledge that others underestimate. I am sure her involvement in the basketball association would be as successful as the 3 x 3 refereeing, where she is refereeing today, because she retired from the big court after more than twenty years of officiating.

I read somewhere that she is one of the best female European and world referees, which is inaccurate because this female is an unnecessary limitation since we can freely say she is one of the best basketball referees. How many finals did she referee, and how many competitions did she participate in, and she still participates because, unlike others, she saw the importance of 3 x 3 basketball. Maybe that’s why she should be given to show the acquired experience and remodel our 3 x3 baskets because it is necessary after the incredible successes achieved by our players. After everything she went through, it is easy to see that basketball and refereeing were not only her profession but also a way of life.

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april 2024.