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Ivana Trifunović (1968) Dondup

16 Sep , 2021  

Iako natpis na Ivaninoj majci označava italijanski brend,on u suštini ima korene u budističkom verovanju da različitost postoji u postupcima i ličnim namerama. I to kao da nesvesno opisuje celokupno Ivanino delovanje, koja je kao vrhunski menadžer Galenike, prešla u Alkaloid i po mom skromnom mišljenju, ga zajedno sa kolegama pozicionirala na potpuno neuređenom tržištu Srbije, tamo gde je mesto tako dobroj kompaniji. Čini se da je problem i po Dalaj Lami kada oni koji trebaju ne primete „Dondup“ pa onda njegov nosilac počinje da traži nove izazove. I upravo se to dešava Ivana je ponovo ne nekoj vrsti prekretnice i privilegija je što imamo mogućnost d au tome učestvujemo. Verujemo u nju i njene ideje, jer da nismo mnoge lepe stvari se ne bi dogodile. ne bismo bile negde, ne bismo upoznali neke drage ljude i svakako ne bismo napredovali u onome što radimo. Zbog toga je taj susret ljudi po budističkom verovanju važan i ne može se lako predvideti jer svako od nas ima svoj „Dondup“ i različitost među nema ne treba da nas razdvoji već poveže, jer samo tako dajemo najbolje od nas. Jedva čekam nove izazove sa Ivanom, a pošto je dans Ivanin rođendan želim joj da ne prestane da bude drugačija.

Although the title on Ivana’s T-shirt is the name of an Italian brand, the meaning has its roots in the Buddhist belief that diversity exists in actions and personal intentions. And that seems to unconsciously describe Ivana’s entire activities, who, as the top manager of Galenika, moved to Alkaloid and, in my humble opinion, positioned it together with her colleagues on the completely unregulated Serbian market, where such a good company belongs. It seems that the problem is, according to the Dalai Lama, when those who need it do not notice „Dondup,“ and then its bearer starts looking for new challenges. And that is precisely what is happening, Ivana is again at a turning point, and it is a privilege that we have the opportunity to participate in it. We believe in her and her ideas because many beautiful things wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t. We wouldn’t be somewhere, meet some dear people, and certainly wouldn’t progress in what we do. That is why this meeting of people, according to the Buddhist belief, is essential and cannot be easily predicted because each of us has his „Dondup.“ The difference between us should not separate us but connect us because that is the only way we give the best of ourselves. I can’t wait for new challenges with Ivana, and since today is Ivana’s birthday, I want her not to stop being different.

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