1000 portreta

Hiljadu portreta / Thousands portraits

12 Jul , 2017  

Verovatno najizazovnija stvar za mene u umetnosti je portret. Ne znam puno ljudi koji stavljaju Nacionalnu galeriju portreta u Londonu ili u Vašingtonu ispred ostalih muzeja, ali za mene su prosto oni najvažniji. Možda je sve počelo od Mona Lize u Luvru, gde je za mene glavna enigma bila vezana za ličnost Djokonde, a ne za atmosferu, formu i kompoziciju.

Nastavak interesovanja za portret se dešavala paralelno sa pisanjem, pa je tako prva knjiga Ordinacija doktora Faustusa ilustrovana licima bolesti.

Moja sledeća knjiga koja se eksplicitno bavila portretima je Portret ronjenja. Napravljena u okviru humanitarne akcije za pomoć oboleloj Tijani, koja nije više među nama u osnovi je imala ideju da prikaže ko su ljudi koji se bave ronjenjem.

Nakon priče o porodici  objavljenoj u limitiranom izdanju pod naslovom Poslednji adrovački vuk, čini mi se da sam konačno smogao snage da se uhvatim sa projektom 1000 portreta. Početku rada je umnogome doprinela i pojava novog modela mobilnog telefona Huawei P10 koji u sebi ima monohromatsku Lajka kameru. Za mene je crno bela slika oduvek bila najznačajnija, jer za razliku od slike u boji pokazuje dušu ličnosti.

Ovo je verovatno samo prva verzija uvoda, značajna pre svega jer slede dva portreta mojih dragih kolega iz Italije, pa da ne ispadne da su pojavili niotkuda. Siguran sam da ćemo dugo družiti dok ne skupim 1000 portreta

Probably the most challenging thing for me in art is the portrait. I do not know a lot of people who put the National Portrait Gallery in London or in Washington in front of other museums, but for me they are simply the most important ones. Maybe it all started from Mona Lisa in Louvre, where for me the main enigma was related to the personality of Giocondo, not the atmosphere, form and composition.

The continuation of interest in the portrait took place parallel to the writing, so the first book of Office of Dr. Faustus’s was illustrated by the faces of the disease.

Mine next book that explicitly dealt with portraits is Portrait of Scuba Diving. Made as part of a humanitarian campaign to help sick Tiana, who is no longer among us, she basically had the idea to show who are scuba divers.

After a story about a family published in a limited edition under the title Last Wolf  from Adrovac, it seems to me that I finally got the strength to catch up with the 1000 portrait project. The beginning of the work was also greatly contributed by the emergence of the new model of the Huawei P10 mobile phone with a monochrome Leica Camera. For me black and white images have always been the most important, because unlike the color image, it shows the soul of personality.

This is probably only the first version of the introduction, important primarily because the following two portraits of my dear colleagues from Italy, so that they do not appear to have come out of nowhere. I’m sure we’ll hang out for a long time until I get 1000 portraits


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april 2024.