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Farhad Rashvand (1986) – poštuj svog vodiča / respect your guide

20 Oct , 2017  

Our guide to Damavand was a 32-year-old geodesy engineer. This year he was ten times on Damvand, eight times successful, and the last two unfortunately failed to summit, because of the bad weather. Ten days before our ascent, he failed because of the snow with two Frenchmen, while the hurricane was smashed us. He told us we should go back, but we only agreed to the third time. We thought there was a solution, but when the wind began to throw pebbles in our face and when we felt sulfur, we knew that the sentence that Farhad was repeating was really true: This is not good for you ! We asked him what we should get as lesson. He replied: Respect your guide. At first, it seemed to us that he did not find a way to climb, but then we realized that he was right. The wind was so strong that we might never get down. I cannot say that we were pleased. But somehow we were satisfied to know that we draw the border. It should have been that Damavand showed us that we cannot get everything, and we understand that we do not need it.From Farhad we heard the classical modern music of Iran on the tar and piano. We talked about books and movies. On the rise he read the Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017. We saw his paintings on the wall of the base camp one, but also in, the unusual for Iran, a hiking restaurant. In front of us, we had not only guides but a critically oriented young man with different interests. We believe his time is coming.

Naš vodič na Damavand bio je 32- godišnji inženjer geodezije. Ove godine je bio deset puta na Damvandu, osam puta uspešno, a poslednje dva nažalost bez uspona na vrh. Zbog lošeg vremena. Desetak dana pre našeg uspona nije uspeo zbog snega sa dvoje Francuza, dok je nas omeo orkanski vetar. Govorio nam je da treba da se vratimo, ali mi smo pristali tek iz trećeg puta. Činilo nam se da postoji rešenje, ali kada je vetar počeo da nam baca kamenčiće u lice i da se oseća sumpor, znali smo da je rečenica koju je Farhad ponavljao zaista tačna: This is not good for you!. Pitali smo ga šta treba da izvučemo kao naravoučenije. Odgovorio je: Poštujete svog vodiča. Nama se pak na prvi mah učinilo da nije pronašao način da se popnemo, ali onda smo svatili da je u pravu. Vetar je bio toliko jak, da se možda nikada ne bi spustili. Ne mogu reći da nam je bilo pravo. Ali nekako smo bili zadovoljni što znali da povučemo granicu. Trebalo je da nam Damavand pokaže da ne možemo sve da dobijemo, a mi da shvatimo da i ne treba.

Od Farhada smo čuli klasičnu modernu muziku Irana na taru i klaviru. Pričali smo o knjigama i filmovima. Na usponu je čitao Ostaci dana od Kazuo Išigura, koji je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za književnost 2017. Videli smo njegove slike na zidu baznog kampa jedan, ali i u neobičnom za Iran, planinarskom restoranu. Ispred sebe nismo imali samo vodiča, već kritički nastrojenog mladog čoveka sa različitim interesovanjima. Verujemo da njegovo vreme tek dolazi.


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