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Evgenije Segedi (1954) Da se rodio u drugoj zemlji… / If he was born in another country

10 Aug , 2020  

Da se Evgenije rodio u drugoj zemlji bio bi neki zvaničnik, možda predsednik, jer po svom načinu razmišljanja podseća na Hoze Muhiku, sada već čuvenog Urugvajskog predsednika. Suštinski ne zahteva Evgenije ništa specijalno osim što ceni rad, znanje i poštovanje ljudi oko sebe. Možda zato i nije ostao dugo na poziciji savetnika u Kliničkom centru u Novom Sadu. Ali zato njegovu privatnu bolnicu i firmu vodi uspešno decenijama. I  nije normalno da jedan čoveku ima toliko sposobnosti od lekarskih do organizacionih i menadžerskih. Pored toga Evgenije ima još jedan „problem“. Verovatno kao dete Ličanke i Jevrejina ima moral koji nije lako dosegnuti. Osetili su to i njegovi sunarodnici, ali i oni koji to nisu.

S druge strane živi skromno i trudi se stalno nešto da radi u zemlji gde skromnost, lepo vaspitanje i rad nisu na ceni. E zbog toga tek ima „problem“. Možda je kasno da se odseli negde, ali zato je u on u mojoj zamišljenoj zemlji uzoran građanin, onakav kakvi bi svi trebali da budemo. Nakon svega mislim da bi trebalo malo da se opusti, proputuje svet, uživa i prestane da analizira nepravdu koja nas okružuje. Ako ni zbog čega drugog, onda zbog sebe jer je to zaslužio.

If Evgenije was born in another country, he would be an official, maybe a president, because he matches Jose Mujica, now the famous Uruguayan president. Mainly, Evgenije does not expect anything special, except that he requires work, knowledge, and respect for the people around us. Maybe that’s why he didn’t stay in the position of the counselor of the Clinical Center in Novi Sad for long. But that is why he is running his private hospital and company successfully for decades. And it is not common for one person to have so many abilities, from medical to organizational and managerial. Besides, Evgenije has another „problem“. As a child of a  woman from Lika (a remote area of former Yugoslavia, now Croatia) and a Jew, he has a morality that is not easy to achieve. His compatriots felt it, but also those who did not.

On the other hand, he lives modestly and continually tries to do something in a country where virtue, good behaving, and work are not valued. That’s why he still has a „problem“. It may be too late to move somewhere, but that is why he is a model citizen in my imaginary country, the way we should all be. After all, I think he should relax a little, travel around the world, enjoy, and stop analyzing the injustice surrounding us. If for no other reason, then for himself because he deserved it.


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