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Emin Ergen (1957) I prijatelj i učitelj – The friend and the teacher

25 Mar , 2019  

Mali broj ljudi mogu da nazovem svojim učiteljem,

međutim Emin to sigurno jeste. Iako je samo malo stariji od mene, često smo različito reagovali u istim situacijama. Ispostavilo se da je on najčešće bio u pravu. Nije bilo u pitanju samo iskustvo, stečeno ne samo u Turskoj, nego i u Italiji i Engleskoj,  već očigledno i uticaj drugačije kulture i vaspitanja. I juče sam ponovo nešto naučio, treba pustiti ljude nakon što izneseš svoje mišljenje da razmisle. U stvari to stalno učim.  Iako se velika Turska ni po veličini, ni ekonomiji, ni po medicini, ne može uporediti sa malom Srbijom zajedno smo učili da ne važi isti aršin za sve. Emin je to nekako drugačije podnosio, dok sam ja ostao buntovnik, on je naučio da filozofski gleda na stvari. Verovatno je i zato sada u jednoj od najintrigantnijih sportskih institucija na svetu. Ali bilo bi nepravedno svesti sve na socijalnu inteligenciju, jer Emin je pre svega pravi znalac sportske medicine. Nije on slučajno rukovodio i radio u najvažnijim institucijama sportske medicine u Turskoj i svetu. I da  potiče iz neke druge zemlje danas ne bi bio samo meni uzor.

I can call the teacher a few people, and Emin is one of them, for sure. Although he is just a little older than me, we often react differently in the same situations. It turned out that he was most often right. It was not only the experience gained in Turkey, then in Italy and England, but obviously also the influence of a different culture and education. And yesterday I learned something new again – you need to let people out ,after telling your opinion, to think. In fact, I am constantly learning that. Although big Turkey, neither in size, nor in the economy, nor in medicine, cannot be compared to a small Serbia, we learned together that the same rules for all are not valid for us. Emin did somehow differently, while I remained a rebel, he learned to philosophically look at things. It is probably, therefore, the reason why he is working one of the most intriguing sports institutions in the world now. But it would be unfair to explain everything by social intelligence, because Emin is, above all, a true expert in sports medicine. He did not by accident managed and worked in the most important institutions of sports medicine in Turkey and the world. And if he is coming “from any other country”  today he would not be just my guru.


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