1000 portreta

Dženis Kej Smith / Janice Kay Smith (1961) – dobri trener iz komšiluka / good trainer from the neighborhood

30 Sep , 2018  

Odavno ne volim velike gradove,ako ne mogu da se prošetam po blokovima i vidim šta rade ljudi. Mislio sam da je Čikago opasan, pogotovo kada sam pročitao da se pucnjava dešava svakih 5 minuta i da kriminal vlada gradom. Valjda je zato i gradska većnica Čikaga iskorišćena u filmu o Gotam Sitiju u kome Betmen pokušava da se izbori sa nasiljem. Međutim, desilo se upravo suprotno, prepešačio sam 15 km tog dana i nisam video nasilje. Video sam ljude koji se vraćaju s posla, decu koja idu iz škole, trkače i bicikliste na obali jezera, i ono što najviše volim relaksiranu atmosferu u komšiluku i ljude u baštama kafića. Bio je poslednji topao dan u septembru 2018. Mislio sam da je Mičigen avenija šoping zona, a u stvari je to prometna ulica sa po tri trake pune automobila i naravno skupim radnjama. Ali zato sam otkrio Old town, deo gde je nastao današnji grad 1833. godine i imao svega 4000 stanovnika. Danas sa mnogo slatkih izloga i malih kafića.

Pažnju mi  privlači jedan fitnes klub, gde piše A women’s gym. Slikam prozore, super instalaciju u izlogu koja pokazuje na tasu vage veliku masu masnog tkiva koji je potrebno sagoreti da bi se dobio kilogram mišića. I tada ugledam vlasnicu, kucam i ona otvara. Ostao sam sigurno sat vremena u ćaskanju i poređenju njenog i mog pristupa vežbanju. Dženis Kej Smit (Janice Kay Smith) upravo radi ono što ja predajem studentima. Fokusirana na ženski pol, zato što kaže da su žene građene drugačije i imaju osobenosti na koje čovek mora da obrati pažnju. Njena ideja da napravi ženski klub uspeva jer ljudi dolaze upravo zato što je mali, miran, jednostavan i bez problema. To i jeste suština. Profesori fizičke kulture treba da se fokusiraju na jedan problem, jednu ciljnu grupu, jednu vrstu treninga. Dženis propagira aerobni trening na mašinama. Ne negiram, ali diskutujemo o načinu vežbanja. Ne slažemo se oko svega, ali bar konstruktivno diskutujemo. Znam da sa mnogo naših instruktora to ne bi bilo tako. A onda vadi fajlove i pokazuje šta sve beleži, kako bi pratila napredak klijenata. Tražim da to slikam, jer kod nas to skoro pa niko ne radi. Zato valjda niko i ne može da prikaže rezultate, jer sećanje nikad nije dovoljno i ubedljivo. Pričamo o svemu o izometrijskim, ekscentričnim kontrakcijama, istezanju, ligamentima, bolu u leđima, načinu vežbanja. Ma, o svemu. Razmišljam u sebi kako bi bilo lepo da sa našim trenerima mogu tako da pričam. Jedino što mislim da treba, a nije uradila je stvaranje mreže između klijenta, doktora i njenog centra. Mislim da taj trougao pomaže da se dođe do najboljeg rezultata, a ne da svako radi samo svoj deo posla. Rastajemo se kada na trening dolaze majka i ćerka. Odlazim zadovoljan što sam video da postoji dokaz da je moguće ono što predajem. Upravo tako,  ne  mora da bude veliko, skupo, ali da daje rezultate.

Zadovoljan takođe što sam pronašao miran deo grada šetajući prolazim obalom jezera gde gomila ljudi trči, vozi bicikli, šeta psa, igra odbojku. Aktivan grad, nema šta. Sigurno duplo više ljudi upražnjava fizičku aktivnost nego u Beogradu. Završavam ne planirano u Šekspirovom pozorištu, ali pravom, jer publika sedi oko pozornice kao u Šekspirovo vreme. Gledam predstavu Nel Gvin (Nell Gwynn) koju je napisala mlada Džesika Svejl (Jessica Swale)  na način kako se to radilo davno. Razmišljam kako je sve što sam toga dana video nešto što nastaje pred najezdom nasilja, primitivnog ponašanja i virtuelne realnosti. Ne znam zašto to i drugi ljudi ne vide i ne trude se da negujući prave vrednosti pobede svu tu nadolazeću prostotu i agresiju.

For a long time, I don’t like big cities, if I cannot walk around the blocks and see what people do. I thought Chicago is dangerous, especially when I read that the shooting is happening every 5 minutes and that crime rules the city. It seems, therefore, Chicago City Hall is being used in a movie about Gotham City in which Batman is trying to fight violence. However, the opposite happened, I walked 15 km of that day and didn’t see violence. I’ve seen people returning from work, kids coming from school, runners and cyclists on the shores of the lake, and what I like most of the relaxed atmosphere in the neighbourhood and people in the cafeteria’s gardens. It was the last warm day in September 2018. I thought Michigan Avenue was a shopping area, and in fact it was a busy street with three lanes full of cars and, of course, expensive shops. But then I discovered the Old Town, the part where the present-day city was built in 1833 and it had only 4,000 inhabitants. Today with lots of sweet shops and small cafes.

My attention is attracted to one fitness club, named A women’s gym. I took a photo of window and installation that shows the mass of fatty tissue on the scale that needs to be burnt to get a muscle. And then I saw the owner, I knocked and she opened. I definitely stayed an hour in chatting and comparing her and my approach to exercise. Janice Kay Smith is just doing what I teach to students. Focused on the female because she says that women are different and have the characteristics to which a trainer has to pay attention. Her idea of ​​making a women’s club succeeds because women come precisely because the club is easy, calm, simple and no hassle (like one client wrote). That’s the essence. Physical culture teachers need to focus on one problem, on one target group, type of training. Janice propagates aerobic training on machines. I do not deny, but we are discussing how to practice. We disagree about everything, but at least we constructively discuss it. I know that with so many of our trainers this would not be the case. Then she extracts the files and shows what she records, in order to track the progress of his clients. I am looking and take a photo of it, because in my country almost nobody does. Therefore, nobody can show results, because memory is never enough and convincing. We are talking about everything about isometric, eccentric contractions, stretching, ligaments, back pain, the way of exercise. Really, about everything. I’m thinking about how it would be nice that I can talk with our trainers on the same way. The only thing I think is necessary, and she did not do is the creation of a network between the client, the doctor and her center. I think that this triangle helps to get the best result, not that everyone does just their part of the job. I am leaving when the mother and daughter come to the training. I am leaving happy that I have seen that is possible what I teach. Exactly, it does not have to be large, costly, but to give the results.

Pleased that I have found a quiet part of the city, I am continue walking through the shores of a lake where a crowd of people runs, rides bicycles, a walk-in dog, and play volleyball. Active city, no doubts. Surely more than two times more people exercise than in Belgrade. I’m finishing at Shakespeare’s Theatre, but real one because the audience is sitting around the stage like in Shakespeare’s time. I’m looking at the play Nell Gwynn, written by young Jessica Swale in the way it was done a long time ago. I think that everything that I saw on that day is something that disappear under the invasion of violence, primitive behaviour and virtual reality. I do not know why other people do not see the same and do not strive to preserve the true values ​​and defeat all this upcoming vulgarity and aggression.


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