1000 portreta

Biljana Topić (1977) Heroina(e)

13 Jun , 2019  

Reč ima slično značenje na mnogim jezicima  uključujući i latinski odakle potiče,  a odnosi se na ženu kojoj se dive zbog hrabrosti, izuzetnih dostignuća ili plemenitih osobina. Naravno, kod nas je kao i mnoga izgubila značenje, pa je čini se uvek dobro vratiti stvar na pravo mesto. Nije heroina neko nije uradio ništa osim što se slika za naslovne strane novina, već neko ko je celog života vredno radio, žrtvovao se za ideju i konačno ostvario rezultat. Zbog toga heroina treba da bude idol mladim generacijama i nadahnuće za borbu i uspeh. Samo zrela društva imaju moć da to prepoznaju i iskoriste na pravilan način. Nažalost mi nismo takvi. Ne kažem da u nekim periodima nismo bili, ali poslednjih nekoliko decenija definitivno nismo. Sled događaja vezan za Biljanin nastup na Svetskom prvenstvu u Berlinu 2009. godine naterao me je da istražim sve, analiziram i pokušam da se izborim za pravdu. Naime, ukratko jer sam o tome već napisao neko članaka, Biljanu je istisnula dopingovana Ruskinja, koju ni nakon suđenja i niza konsultacija nismo mogli da raskrinkamo i pružimo dovoljno dokaza da bude doživotno kažnjena, kako je između ostalog tražila Međunarodna atletska federacija. Međutim, ono što sam uspeo je da skrenem pažnju i onih koji su smatrali da tu ne treba ništa raditi. Satisfakcija je i u tome što su novinari, sportisti i većina dobronamernih ljudi pozitivno reagovali. Više to nije bila samo Biljanina stvar, mnogi su joj poslali podršku, i slučaj je zainteresovao društvo. I to je valjda suština ne dozvoliti da nepravda tek tako prođe i prepoznati pravu heroinu.

The word has a similar meaning in many languages, including the Latin from which it originates, and refers to a woman who is admired for courage, exceptional achievement or heroic qualities. Of course, in our country, word has lost the meaning, so it seems always good to put things back to the right place. It was not a heroine who did anything except that the picture for the front pages of the newspaper, but someone who spent all his life working hard, fight for the idea and finally achieved the result. That’s why heroine should be an idol for younger generations and inspiration for struggle and success. Only mature communities have the power to recognize and use it in the proper way. Unfortunately, we are not like that. I’m not saying that in some periods we were not, but in the last few decades we have definitely not. Following the event related to Biljana’s performance at the 2009 World Championship in Berlin, I was forced to explore everything, analyze and try to fight for justice. Namely, briefly, because I have already written some articles about this, Biljana was pushed out by the doping Russian, which even after the court trial and a series of consultations, we could not disclose and provide enough evidence to be punished for life, as the International Athletic Federation requested among other things. However, what I succeeded was to draw the attention of those who thought that there was nothing to be done. Satisfaction is also that journalists, athletes, and most moral people respond positively. It was not just Biljana’s thing, many sent support, and the community started to be interested in the case. And that is the essence, not allowing injustice and recognize the real heroine.


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