1000 portreta

Arslan Saleem (2001 – ) Realistic dreamer

1 Jan , 2023  

Beduini ne slave novu godinu i ne kupiju ni poklone. Ne bih to znao da se nisam našao za Novu godinu u Petri u restoranu Pizza House sa jednim od vlasnika. Iako ima svega 21 godinu i završava na fakultetu engleski jezik i literaturu, imao sam utisak  kao da pričam sa iskusnim čovekom koji je prošao svašta. Pretresli smo sve od Lorensa od Arabije i oslobađanja arapskih zemalja od Turaka do najezde turista. Po mnogome živimo u sličnim zemljama. Jordan je počeo svoje oslobađanje 1916. pobedom nad Turcima u Akabi, dok je Srbija to učinila vek ranije. Jordan postaje nezavistan nakon drugog svetskog rata, dok Srbija poslednji put postaje nezavisna 2006. godine. I jedna i druga zemlja su trpe uticaj velikih u čemu se mnogo više snalazi kralj iz jordanske Hašemit dinastije. Međutim čini se da niko ne može da zauzda korupciju u svojoj zemlji, i doprinese boljem životu svog naroda. Bez želje da prenesem razgovor sa Arslanom složio sam se sa mnogo njegovih konstatacija. Čini mi se da su mi najviše prijale njegove opservacije vezane za studiranje, jer pohađa samo nastavu profesora koji ostave na njega utisak pa zbog toga ne ide u korak sa generacijom. Smatra da je učenje važno jer mu pruža znanje da napreduje. Iako mlad sa bratom vodi dva restorana u Wadi Musa, a planira širenje na Amman, gde mu brat studira veštačku inteligenciju. Mada nije putovao ni u jednu zemlju u Evropi, razume kulturu svojih gostiju i napravio je piceriju koja ni po čemu ne zaostaje za mnogima u kojima sam bio. Kao na filmu video sam deo  Arslanovih snova, i shvatio da svi sanjamo isto, ali da je najvažnije da pređemo preko snova koje smo odsanjali i živimo u novima.

Bedouins do not celebrate the New Year and do not buy gifts. I wouldn’t have known that if I hadn’t found myself on New Year’s Eve in Petra at the Pizza House restaurant with one of the owners. Although he is only 21 years old and is graduating from the Faculty of English Language and Literature, I had the impression that I was talking to an experienced man who has been through everything. We searched everything from the Lawrence of Arabia and the liberation of the Arab lands from the Turks to the invasion of tourists. In many ways, we live in similar countries. Jordan began its liberation in 1916 by defeating the Turks in Aqaba, while Serbia had done so a century earlier. Jordan became independent after World War II, while Serbia became independent for the last time in 2006. Both countries suffer from the influence of the big western countries, but it seems the king from the Jordanian Hashemite dynasty is much better at dealing with the tension. However, it appears that no one can take control of corruption in their country and contribute to a better life for their people. I agreed with many of his statements without wishing to convey the conversation with Arslan. It seems to me that I liked his observations related to studying the most because he attended only lectures of professors who left an impression on him. Because of that, he does not keep up with the generation. He believes learning is essential because it gives him the knowledge to progress. Although young, he runs two restaurants in Wadi Musa with his brother but plans to expand to Amman, where his brother is studying artificial intelligence. Although he has not traveled to any country in Europe, he understands the culture of his guests and has created a pizzeria that is in no way inferior to many that I have been to in my life. As in a movie, I saw a part of Arslan’s dreams, and I realized that we all dream the same, but that the most important thing is to get over the dreams we dreamed of and live in new ones.

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april 2024.