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Anika Toni Bermoser (2016) Dobro došla kući / Welcome home

16 May , 2020  

Nisam odmah otkrio da je Aniku,u stvari, poslala moja mama sa meseca. Nije to ni zbog toga zato što ne spava na pun mesec, ni zbog toga što liči više na našu nego njihovu familiju, već ćemo pravi razlog verovatno tek saznati. Hirom oca ima dva imena, mi je zovemo po prvom, ali nas je trenutno pripremanje dokumenta podsetilo i na drugo. Kako kažu „Nomen est omen“ i verovatno ćemo tek otkriti značenje. Za sada mogu da kažem osim što liči mene, ima nešto i na moju dragu taštu. A pošto i ja ličim na taštu sve je u najboljem redu. Biti pod zaštitom takva dva karaktera kakavi smo Jelkica i ja može da bude samo uspešno. Anika sigurno neće biti ista kao drugi. I već sada nije. Sprema se dugo. Obraća pažnju na detalje. Tvrdoglava je. Potpuno našminkana sa nakitom ide čak i na plažu. Ne žuri se da uđe u vodu, već prvo prošeta. Imam utisak ne da vidi, nego da bude viđena. Moraćemo da je upišemo na balet. Biće kao u njenom omiljeno crtanom “Let it go! Let it go!“ Ali ono najvažnije je da je došla kući, gde je dozvoljeno da sedi u autiću sa svojom lutkom dok doručkuje, jede iz bebine posude, a pored svoje drži bebinu cuclu. Živela sloboda i budućnost moje drage unuke, koja mi se već čini uzbudljivom. Biće super ako u njoj budem mogao da učestvujem. A valjda je to jedna od važnih dužnosti nas odraslih, da ih pripremimo za budućnost, i ne živimo u prošlosti.

I didn’t immediately recognize that my mom sent Anika from the moon. It’s not because she doesn’t sleep when is the full moon, or because she looks more like ours than their family, but we’ll probably find out the real reason. By father will she has two names. We call her by the first, but the current preparation of the documents reminded us of the second. As they say „Nomen est omen,“ we will probably discover the meaning. For now, I can say that she is looking like me, as well a little bit, my dear mother-in-law. And since I look like my mother-in-law, everything is fine. Being under the protection of two characters like Jelkica and me can only be successful. Anika will certainly not be the same as the others. And she is not already. It takes a long time to prepare. She pays attention to details. She is stubborn. Completely made up with jewelry, she even goes to the beach. She is in no hurry to enter the water but walks first. I have the impression not to see, but to be seen. We’re going to have to enroll her in ballet. It will be like in her favorite cartoon, „Let it go! Let it go!“ But the most important thing is that she came home, where she is allowed to sit in the kid’s car with her doll while having breakfast, eating from the baby’s bowl, and holding the baby’s bottle next to her. Long live the freedom and future of my dear granddaughter, which already seems exciting to me. It will be great if I can participate in it. And I guess one of the essential duties of us adults is to prepare them for the future and not live in the past.

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