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Amir Sultanoff (1977) More then ever people

17 Jun , 2021  

Sa Amirom me je upoznao Ziya.Rekao je: „Hočeš da vidiš jedan ronilački klub?“ Naravno da sam bio zatečen, jer doživljavam Kaspijsko more kao mutnu vodu u kojoj nema baš previše života. Verovatno je  zbog toga veći šok bio kada smo došli do zbačene, neuređene plaže i kontejnera na kome je pisalo PADI. Zatekli smo Ziyinog prijatelja Amira koje je sva dva neverovatno nespretna majstora pokušavao da ispred kluba odredi gabarite budućeg otvorenog šanka. I naravno od tog trenutka kao da nisam bio u Azejberdžanu, već na bilo kojoj drugoj obali mora gde uvek postoji neki čudak koji je u stanju da napravi mesto za uživanje. Što kaže moj ronilački guru Miša Ž „većina ronioca imaju neku dijagnozu“ . I upravo tako. Preda mnom je stajao vlasnik PADI ronilačkog kluba, koji na pustoj neuređenoj plaži pravi „Cafe del mar“, koji se bavi između ostalog i verskim turizmom. Amir pokazuje vernicima prve hrišćanske crkve koji su nastali upravo u Azejberdžanu, ili duboke korene judizma, ili zoroastrizam i ko zna šta već ne špartajući pustinjama, stepama i planinama Azerjedžana u svom Micubiši lendroveru. Školovan u Engleskoj i Americi, perfektno govori engleski jezik, ali zna i po neku srpsku reč (možete da pretpostavite koju?!) i naravno zna šta se u svetu događa globalno, geopolitički, kulturološki ali i politički. I da, dobro je da pravi ronioci imaju neku „dijagnozu“, jer se tako lakše prepoznajemo, pričamo istim jezikom i znamo da odvojim bitno od nebitnog sa ciljem da se malo opustimo, kao u onoj pesmi „More then ever people“

Ziya introduced me to Amir. He said: „Do you want to see a diving club?“ Of course, I was surprised because I experience the Caspian Sea as muddy water in which there is not much life. Probably because of that, the bigger shock was when we came to a forgotten, untidy beach and a container where PADI is written. We found Ziya’s friend Amir, who was trying to determine the dimensions of the future open bar in front of the club by all two incredibly clumsy workers. And of course, from that moment on, it was as if I was not in Azerbaijan, but on any other shore of the sea where there is always some weirdo who can make a place to enjoy. What does my diving guru Miša Z. says? „Most divers have a diagnosis“. And that’s right. In front of me stood the friend of the owner of the PADI diving club, who is building a „Cafe del mar“ on a deserted, wild beach, which also deals with religious tourism. Amir shows the believers of the first Christian church that originated in Azerbaijan, or the deep roots of Judaism, or Zoroastrianism, and who knows what else without driving through the deserts, steppes, and mountains Azerbaijan in his Mitsubishi Land Rover. Educated in England and America, he speaks English perfectly. Still, he also knows a Serbian word (can you guess which one ?!), and of course, he knows what is happening globally, geopolitically, culturally, and politically. And yes, it’s good that real divers have a „diagnosis“, because it’s easier to recognize each other, speak the same language and know how to separate the important from the irrelevant to relax a bit, like in that song „More than ever people“

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april 2024.