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Aleksandar Vujičić (1959 – ) Ponosan i uspešan / Proud and successful

7 Nov , 2019  

Propustio sam da napišem priču o Aleksandru kada smo se prošli put videli.  Zaboravio sam dosta detalja, gde sve radi, šta sve poseduje… Sećam se da je podigao i vinograd. Ali sinoćna diskusija me je podsetila da je on pre svega dobar doktor, što je možda i najvažnije, jer kompetentan doktor nije baš česta pojava u Crnoj Gori. Aleksandar je kao i drugi ljudi iz Crne Gore ponosan i samouveren, ali čini mi se da iza sebe ima ozbiljne rezultate i to ne samo iz medicine, već i sporta. Verovatno je to i razlog što pokušava da pomogne u oblasti antidopinga gde Crna Gora ozbiljno zaostaje. Počeo je kao atletičar, tačnije trkač na 800 m, a nastavio je tako što je preuzeo odgovornost ne samo kao doktor, već kao i sportski stručnjak u atletici, ali i kao otac, jer je i njegov sin, takođe, postao dobar u atletici. I zbog svega drago mi je da poznajem nekog iz Crne Gore, koji nije samo samouveren, već je uspešan u svemu što radi.

I missed writing the story of Alexander when we saw each other last time. I forgot a lot of details, where he works, what he owns, etc… I remember that he also raised a vineyard. But last night’s discussion reminded me that he is above all, a good doctor, which is perhaps the most important because a competent doctor is not very common in Montenegro. Like other Montenegrin people, Alexander is proud and confident, but it seems to me that he has serious results behind him, not only in medicine but also in sports. This is probably the reason why it is trying to help in the area of anti-doping, where Montenegro is seriously behind. He started out as a runner on the 800m and continued by taking responsibility not only as a doctor but as a sports expert in athletic and a father.   His son also became good at athletics. And for all that, I’m glad I know someone from Montenegro who is not only confident but successful in everything he does.

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