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Lola Bermoser (2014) – moja unuka / my granddaughter

2 Nov , 2017  

Upravo smo se vratili iz šetnje.GPS na mobilnom pokazuje da smo prešli 4292 koraka. Tačnije, ja sam hodao, a Lola je vozila bicikl. Kao u reklami, za kreditnu karticu: Neprocenjivo! Lep jesenji dan u Augartenu, a Lola i ja za nešto više od pola sata smo prešli oko 2,2 km. I to je suština života, svaki lep dan, svaki trenutak je dragocen i treba ga iskoristiti.

Ali, zašto ovo pišem. Deluje kao priča koju možemo da  pročitamo na Internetu. Pa, pre sve svega zbog bicikla. Naime, ovo je 8. bicikl koji sam kupio od kada se rodila (dva su na moru, jedan su nam ukrali, jedan je parkiran u dvorištu, tri su u stanu i trotinet je u podrumu). Pošto nisam u mogućnosti da budem u Beču, onoliko često koliko želim, ovaj bicikl sam kupio preko Interneta. Kupovina preko Interneta sama po sebi nije jednostavna, jer čovek mora da provede podjednako vremena kao u šopingu da bi kupio pravu stvar. Naime Lola ima 3 godine i 3,5 meseca i za njen uzrast je predviđen bicikl od 14 inča. Sličan bicikl sam kupio i na moru, jer ja verujem da deca rastu kada voze bicikl. Međutim, ovaj bicikl je malo viši i Lola ne može da dotakne vrhovima prstiju tlo. Zbog toga je bicikl odložen u sobu, zajedno sa ostalim stvarima i bio praktično nedostupan. I to je po meni problem. Šta vredi što Lola ima trotinet, kada je u podrumu, ili bicikl koji je zatrpan stvarima, da ne kažem da i mali Anikin bicikl bio negde ispod. Suština svih igračaka je da treba da budu dostupne, u protivnom ih deca ne koriste. Zato valjda i postoji deda da kupi, otrpa igračke i učini ih dostupnim. A onda se izbori da dođe što češće i uživa u sunčanom jesenjem danu u Augartenu sa unukom.

I možda Lola ne dodiruje prstima tlo, ali se sama penje i silazi i  koči na ravnom. Još treba da vežbamo kočenje na nizbrdici, kao što smo uostalom za nekoliko dana na moru naučili da okrećemo pedale. A pošto deca kada voze bicikl rastu, već sledeći put ćemo da dodirnemo i tlo.  Jer kako je Anštajn govorio život je kao vožnja bicikla, da bi održao ravnotežu moraš da se krećeš.

We just came back from a walk. GPS on the mobile phone shows that we did 4292 steps. More precisely, I walked, and Lola was riding a bike. Like in a commercial, for a credit card: Priceless! A nice autumn day in Augarten, Lola and I did about 2.2 km in just over half an hour. And this is the essence of life, every beautiful day, every moment is precious and needs to be used.

But why am I writing this? It looks like as a post that we can read on the Internet. Well, above all, because of the bicycle. Namely, this is the 8 bikes that I bought from Lola was born (two are on the sea, one is stolen, one is parked in the yard, three are in the apartment and a scooter is in the cellar). Since I’m not able to be in Vienna, as often as I want, I bought this bicycle over the Internet. Shopping via the Internet itself is not easy, because a person has to spend as much time as shopping in order to buy the right thing. Namely, Lola is 3 years and 3.5 months old and for her age is a 14-inch bicycle. A similar bicycle I purchased in our sea town, because I believe children grow when they ride a bike. However, this bike is a little higher and Lola cannot touch of the soil by the fingertips. That’s why the bicycle was put off into the room, along with other things, and was practically unavailable. And that’s a problem for me. What is worth Lola having a scooter, when is in the cellar, or a bicycle that is piled with other things, not to say that the little Anika’s bike was somewhere below. The essence of all toys is that they should be available, otherwise they are not used by children. That’s why grandfather exists to buy, find the toys and make them available. Then he need to find the time to come as often as possible and enjoy the sunny autumn day in Augarten with his granddaughter.

And maybe Lola does not touch the soil with her fingertips, but she ascends and descends and stops the bike on the flat. We still need to practice braking on the downhill, as we learned to roll pedals after several days at sea. And since children when they ride a bike grow, the next time when I come she will touch the ground. Like Einstein said: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.


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