1000 portreta

Emir Bekrić (1991) – Džin pod kupolom / The giant under the dome

20 Jan , 2020  

Gledam Emira kako sedi ispod svoda u zbornici univerziteta Singidunum. Kao da je svod metaforično oslonjen na njega. Nakon završetka karijere u traženju puta, čini se da se obreo u pravim rukama. Kolega, doc. Ivan Ćuk, već radi sa njim jedno istraživanje. Ja pokušavam da se uključim, tačnije budem koristan. Verovatno sam jedini profesor u zbornici koji se bez granice divi onome što je Emir postigao. Naime, on je, pored Ivane Španović, jedini sportista koji je doneo Srbiji medalju sa Svetskog prvenstva u atletici, i to u trci 400 m sa preponama. Za mene je to tada, i sada, izgledalo kao da se jedan Srbin iskrcao na mesec. I desilo se ono što se inače dešava sa sportistima koji tako visoko uzlete, bez prave podrške ili što bi se danas stručno reklo „team behind the team“. Pokušavao je Emir da ostane na vrhu, probao je sa raznim trenerima, pobedio različite nedaće i povrede, ali nije uspeo. Sada pokušava da se odbranom mastera vrati kao stručnjak i pomogne mladima. Ni pre ni sada nije bi trebalo da bude sam, jer takav atletičar se ne rađa često. Ne znam zašto kod se kod nas više ne posvećuje pažnje „karijeri nakon karijere“, ali činjenica je da je to teško pitanje, koje će morati da pobedi kao i na 400 m. Ako pođemo od značenje njegovog imena možemo da očekujemo da će vladati, jer Emir je u prevodu znači knez ili princ, pa bilo lepo da to ostane u našoj i svetskoj atletici.

I was looking Emir sitting under a dome in the teacher chamber of Singidunum University. The dome is metaphorically resting on him. After completing his career in the quest for the right way, he seems to have put himself in the right hands. My colleague Ass. Prof. Ivan Cuk is already doing some research with him. I’m trying to get involved, to be more useful. I am probably the only professor in the teacher chamber who admires what Emir has achieved without boundaries. Namely, besides Ivana Spanovic, he is the only athlete to bring Serbia a medal from the World Athletics Championships in the 400m hurdles race.

To me, at that time, it seemed as if a Serb was landing on a Moon. And what followed is what happens to athletes who take off so high, without real support, or what would be expertly called today „team behind the team.“ Emir tried to stay on top. He did it with various coaches, he won multiple difficulties and injuries, but he failed. Now, Emir is trying to get back to being an expert by defending his master and helping young people. He should’ve not been alone before and now as well, because such an athlete is not born often. I do not know why we are no paying attention to „career after career,“ but the fact is that it is a difficult question, which he will have to win as it is at 400 m. If we go from the meaning of his name, we can expect him to rule, because Emir means a prince or a duke, so it would be nice to stay that in our and world athletics.

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