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Selim Sili (1993) Izmedju Ataturka i Erdogana / Between Ataturk and Erdogan

17 Aug , 2017  

Da li postoji problem integracije muslimana u Evropsko društvo ili je problem u gubitku identiteta Evropljana? Selim kaže loš je sistem obrazovanja. On je druga generacija Turaka rođenih u Austriji po majci. Otac je u skorije vreme došao u Austriju, za razliku od majke čija je porodica u Austriji više od 50 godina. Kaže za sebe da je iz Trabzona na Crnom moru, iako tamo nije bio poslednje 4 godine, a kako stvari stoje i neće, jer kaže da mora mnogo da radi. Trenutno radi kao vozač na aerodromu. Nema vremena ni za odmor, ni za devojku. Za Trabzon ga vezuju samo  baka i deda, ali čini mi se više od toga muslimanska kultura. I umesto o fudbalu razgovor se okrenuo ka politici na sasvim dobrom engleskom, dok slušamo Sandru Afriku i balkanski mega hit „Devojka tvog druga ” iz bečkih diskoteka. Selim ne negira veličinu Ataturka, ali je po njemu upropastio Otomansku imperiju. Za mene je Ataturk jedan od najvećih političara 20 veka, jer je posrnulu Tursku pretvorio u modernu evropsku državu. Prvi put sam čuo da je Ataturk izgubio bitku na Galipolju. U stvari on je pobedio, a izgubilo je Otomansko carstvo. S druge strane Erdogan je za Selima garant obnove Otomanske imperije. Za mene je diktator, na šta Selim nema odgovor. Kaže da je za njega glasao, jer pravi državu koja poštuje muslimansku kulturu. I to je verovatno suština. Mnogim Turcima se sekularna Ataturkova država nikada nije sviđala, dok su opijeni Erdoganovim religioznim fundamentalizmom. Upravo takav utisak sam imao tokom jedinog boravka u Trabzonu, koji Selim idealizuje. Iako smo se složili da liči na mediteranski gradić, za razliku od Antalije nema mediteranski duh. More, plaže i ljudi su konzervativni, pa ni turista nema kao u Antaliji. Jednostavno danas većina ljudi želi samo da se provede, a nema ni ideju šta je sekularno, a šta fundamentalno. I upravo je tu suština pitanja gde smo se Selim ja razišli, demokratija protiv diktature. On u Austriji glasa za demokratiju, a u Turskoj za diktaturu, smatra da je parlament važan za ravnopravnost građana u Austriji, a da u Turskoj treba da bude kontrolisan od strane predsednika. Ne negira Selim Ataturka u potpunosti. Mislim da se ni jedan Turčin to i ne usuđuje, jer je njegovo delo toliko moćno, ali većina ga po poslednjim izborima ne razume, čim su dali mandat Erdoganu. Glavni razlog za to je verovatno obrazovanje. Većina koja je glasala za Erdogana dolazi iz ruralnih sredina i ima minimalno obrazovanje, dok su obrazovani ljudi iz gradova podržali opoziciju. Slično je poređenje Ataturka koji je govorio engleski, francuski, nemački, grčki, arapski, persijski, slabo japanski i latinski, za razliku od Erdogana koji govori samo Turski i čita samo sažetke knjiga. Očigledno je da je Selim u pravu, da sistem obrazovanja nije dobar, jer ako on kao obrazovani Turčin podržava etno-kulturalnu državu, na koga će se Evropa osloniti u traženju svog transnacionalnog identiteta.

Is there a problem of integrating Muslims into European society or is it a problem in losing the identity of Europeans? Selim says problem is a bad education system. He is the second generation of Turks born in Austria by mother side. The father came to Austria recently, unlike his mother whose family in Austria has been for more than 50 years. He says he is from Trabzon on the Black Sea, although he was not there for the last 4 years, and how things stand and will not, because he says he has to do a lot. He is currently working as a driver at the airport. There is no time for vacation, not for a girlfriend. He is tied by Trabzon only by his grandmother and grandfather, but I think more of that is Muslim culture. And instead of football, the conversation turned to politics in a pretty good English while listening to Sandra Africa and the Balkan mega hit „Girlfriend of your Friend“ from Viennese discotheques. Selim does not deny the Ataturk, but he said he has ruined the Ottoman Empire. For me, Ataturk is one of the greatest politicians of the 20th century, because he turned knocked down Turkey into a modern European state. First time I heard that Ataturk lost the battle at Gallipoli. In fact, he won, but the Ottoman Empire lost. On the other hand, for Selim, Erdogan is the guarantor of the rise of the Ottoman Empire. For me, he is a dictator, and Selim has no answer. He says he voted for him because he is making a country that respects Muslim culture. And that’s probably the essence. Many Turks never liked secular Ataturk’s state, while Erdogan’s religious fundamentalism they glorify. I had such an impression during my only stay in Trabzon, which Selim idealizes. Although we have agreed to look like a Mediterranean town, unlike Antalya, there is no Mediterranean spirit. Sea, beaches and people are conservative, so there are no tourists as in Antalya. Simply most people today just want to relax on holiday, and there is no idea what is secular and what is fundamental. And it is precisely the essence of the question where Selim has split up, a democracy against dictatorship. He votes in Austria for democracy, since he believes that parliament is important for equality of citizens in Austria and in Turkey he votes for dictatorship, since in Turkey parliament should be controlled by the president. Selim does not deny Ataturk completely. I do not think that any Turks will dare even dare, because Ataturk work is so powerful, but most of them do not understand him after the last elections, they gave mandate to Erdogan. The main reason for this is probably education. The majority who voted for Erdogan come from rural areas and have minimal education, while educated people from cities supported the opposition. Similar is the comparison of Ataturk who spoke English, French, German, Greek, Arabic, Persian, a little Japanese and Latin, opposed to Erdogan who speaks only Turkish and reads only summaries of books. It is obvious that Selim is right that the education system is not good, because if he, as an educated Turk, supports the ethno-cultural state, on whom Europe will rely on in seeking its transnational identity.

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