Noli me tangere

Ešref „Eco“ Džanefendić, (1988 – 2020) – Utisak za ceo život / An impression on me for the rest of my life

10 Jan , 2021  

Iako sam pričao sa Ecom samo jedno veče, ostavio je na mene utisak za ceo život. Žao mi je što umesto da radimo nešto zajedno, pišem u znak sećanja na jednog mladog neostvarenog intelektualca. Iako je završio arhitekturu, nije uspeo ništa da sagradi u Novom Pazaru, a saglasili smo se da je nepostojanje arhitekture neverovatno. Kao i drugim delovima Srbije oni koji imaju pare su gradili kako su želeli. Možda je zato oštro Ecovo oko skliznulo u fotografiju. Nadam se da će njegove fotografije ostati dugo na Instragramu. Često je slikao bogomolje, gde su one sa krstom nailazile na nerazumevanje onih koji su pozdravljali bogomolje sa minaretima i obrnuto. Čine se da je Eco bio najprihvaćeniji kao muzičar. Međutim i tu je bio krajnje neobičan, tačnije originalan jer je svirao citru, instrument koji potiče iz starog Egipta. Nažalost mnogi od nas nikada neće čuti zvuk koji je Eco stvarao, ali po reakciji ljudi koji su mu se javljali te večeri razumeo sam da su ga jako cenili. Pričali smo i politici ali to nije vredno pominjanja ovog trenutka. Naravno da smo bili istomišljenici, podjednako zarobljeni u praznoverje svog naroda. Voleo bih da sam imao više vremena da pričamo o istoriji, naročiti onoj ličnoj, jer koliko sam razumeo Ecov prapradeda je bio sudija. Ovako smo dotakli razmile u našim kulturama, ali onako kako to rade intelektualci, pričajući, a ne svađajući se. Volim kada sa ljudima drugih religija mogu da pričam na takav način. Poslednji put sam pričao sa Zahrom Malek u Isfahanu. U trenutku kada smo pričali Eco nije bio zaposlen. Čuo sam da je pred smrt dobio posao u lokalnoj televiziji. Bilo je dosta njegovih originalnih opažanja zašto je sve tako. Sećam se da je ipak bilo najduhovitije objašnjenje da stanuje kod žene, doktora filozofskih nauka, sa kojom je dobio ćerkicu, valjda zato što smatra da bi trebalo da bude obrnuto. Saznao sam da je rođak jednog od mojih najboljih drugova. Pozvao sam ga još te večeri. Nažalost nakon nekoliko meseci od njega sam saznao da je Eco preminuo. Nisam siguran koliko traje žalost kod Muslimana, ali sam negde pročitao da je kao kod Pravoslavca 40 dana. Za to vreme duša još nije pronašla put ka Dženetu i verovatno kao i mnoge druge ne želi da bude dodirnuta („Noli me tangere“). Sve ovo mene podseća na reči glavnog hirurga sultana Omana, dr Wahid Al Kharusi-a, koji je rekao da oni posvećuju pažnju svakom mladom čoveku, jer ih nema dovoljno, a posebno prema onim koji su talentovani. Zašto je kod nas uvek drugačije i šta vredi što sad svi vide kakvog smo čoveka izgubili.

Although I have talked to Eco only one night, he left an impression on me for the rest of my life. I am sorry that instead of doing something together, I am writing in memory of a young unrealized intellectual. Though he finished architecture, he failed to build anything in Novi Pazar, and we agreed that the non-existence of architecture is incredible. Like other parts of Serbia, those who have money built as they wanted. Maybe that’s why Eco’s sharp eye slipped into the photography. I hope that his photos will stay on Instagram for a long time. He often photos places of worship, where those with a cross encountered the misunderstanding of those who greeted worship places with minarets and vice versa.
Eco seems to have been the most accepted as a musician. However, he was extremely unusual, more precisely original, because he played the zither, an instrument that originates from ancient Egypt. Unfortunately, many of us will never hear the sound that Eco made. Still, from the reaction of the people who greeted him that evening, I understood that they appreciated him very much. We also talked about politics, but it is not worth mentioning at this moment. Of course, we were like-minded, equally trapped in the superstitions of our people. I wish I had more time to talk about history, especially the personal one, because as far as I understood, Eco’s great-great-grandfather was a judge. This is how we touched on differences in our cultures, but in how intellectuals do, talking, not arguing. I like it when I can speak to people of other religions in that way. The last time I talked like that with Zahra Malek in Isfahan. At the time we were talking, Eco was not employed. I heard he got a job on local television before he died. There were plenty of his original observations, why everything around us is like that. I remember that the wittiest explanation was that he lived with a woman, a doctor of philosophical sciences, with whom he had a daughter, probably because he thought it should be the other way around. I learned that he was a cousin of one of my best friends. I called him that night. Unfortunately, after a few months, I learned from him that Eco had passed away. I’m not sure how long grief lasts for Muslims, but I read somewhere that it’s like 40 days for an Orthodox. During that time, the soul has not yet found its way to Janet and probably, like many others, does not want to be touched („Noli me tangere“). All this reminds me of the words of the chief surgeon of the Sultan of Oman, Dr. Wahid Al Kharusi, who said that they pay attention to every young man because there are not enough of them, and especially to those who are talented. Why is it always different from us, and what is it worth that now everyone sees what kind of man we have lost.

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