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Miloš Belović (2004 – ) Da li da ostanem ili da odem sada? / Should I stay or should I go now?

30 Dec , 2019  

Lakše kapiram stvari od drugih, smo ne učim. Kažu mi da čak i Latinski brže učim od drugih „puellae, puellae, puellae, puellam, puellā, puella“. Kome to uopšte treba? Ni sam ne znam kako sam naređao toliko kečeva, a onda je došlo do tog elektronskog nasilja. Pazite mene koji koristim „Dark web“ su uhvatili kako vređam nekog “pacova debelog“ ali tek pošto je on mene. Ne znam kako se njegova poruka izbrisala, a moja ostala. U svakom slučaju dobio sam jedinicu iz vladanja. Sada su me prebacili u gimnaziju na Mirijevu. Putujem sat i po vremena. Kažu da se opametim, a kum mi kaže da sam zeznuo sam sebe. Umesto da završim sve predmete sa prolaznom ocenom, ma šta prolaznom, četvorkama i peticama, ja sam sebi napravim problem, naređam kečeve, pa moram da upotrebim duplo više vremena da ih popravim. Evo prošle subote, umesto da vežbam sa bendom ili vozim „skatebord“, vežbao sam latinski i matematiku. A raspust je tek počeo, za tri dana je Nova godina. Možda je kum u pravu, treba da učim i nemam problem ni sa školom ni sa roditeljima, a onda je odgovor lak čak i za moju mamu, koja je kao bila pankerka – Clash, bre:

„Da li da ostanem ili da odem sada?
Da li da ostanem ili da odem sada?
Ako odem, biće problema
A ako ostanem, biće duplo
Hajde, recite mi šta da radim?“

I more easily understand everything than others, but I do not study. They tell me that I learn even Latin faster than others „Puellae, Puellae, Puellae, Puellam, Puellā, Puella.“ Who needs it at all? I don’t even know how I got so many bad marks, and then there was this cyberbullying. I don’t understand, I who is using the „Dark Web“ is caught with and insulting message a „fat rat“ after that boy insulted me. I don’t know how his message got deleted, and mine stayed. Anyway, I got the worst mark for behaving. Now they moved me to the high school on Mirijevo. I travel an hour and a half. They tell me to get smart, and the godfather tells me that I screwed up myself. Instead of completing all the passing grades, with fours and fives, I make a problem for myself, order the bad marks, so I have to use twice as much time to fix them. Last Saturday, instead of practicing with a band or riding a skateboard, I practiced Latin and Math. And the winter holiday has just begun, in three days it’s New Year’s. Maybe the godfather is right, I should study and have no problem with either school or parents, and then the answer is easy even to my mom, who was punker – Clash song:

“Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go, there will be trouble
And if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know.”


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