1000 portreta

Nebojša Dukić (1962) – Dobrica / Good doer

3 Dec , 2019  

Operisao sam oko. Posetio me je kum.   Nisam ni znao da je u Beogradu. Tek sam sad shvatio da je tu već mesec dana i da je sam.  U suštini to sam je „highlight“ njegovog života: Kako kaže jedan njegov prijatelj, Nebojšin život je sličan Robinzonu Krusou, osim što je Robinzon imao Petka. Pa kako je došlo do toga. Jednostavno, kao opis kliničke slike nekog psihijatrijskog oboljenja. Prvo se razboleo, pa se razveo, pa su ga mnogi zaboravili, pa se uglavnom sam probijao kroz život. I kada bi pomislili na stereotipni devastirajući scenario, na scenu je stupila njegova druga supruga Ana Marija Langsig koja mu je vratila život u Danskoj (zbog čega joj večno hvala). I sve je bilo drugačije. Danski doktori ga nisu lečili kao srpski samo farmakoterpijom, već psihoterapijom, iako je Nebojša tek počeo da uči Danski. I naučio ga je posle 19 kurseva. I ne samo to Nebojša je nostrifikovao diplomu i postao „family doctor“. To bi bilo normalno da pre toga nije specijalizirao pedijatrijsku hirurgiju. Tu sada već dolazimo do činjenica da je Nebojša postigao više nego većina od nas.  Čak dve teške specijalizacije i tri svetska jezika. I pored činjenice da se borio za sopstveni život nije zaboravio da finansijski podrži prvu suprugu i sina koji je  završio medicinu i nalazi se na poslediplomski studijama. Reko  mi je jedom da se on na studijama borio da preživi sa malo para i da ih je završio u istom džemperu. Želeo je da svom sinu pruži više. Prosto neuporedivo u odnosu na to koliko su oni njega podržavali. Pa zar je moguće da nije jednom nije pozvan na ručak u njihov dom, ako ni zbog čega drugog onda u znak zahvalnosti što ih je sve godine bezgranično pomagao. Znam da će mnogima ovo izgledati preoštro, ali da li zbog teške operacije, ili post anestezije želim da stvari nazovem pravim imenom i napišem koliko je moj kum jedan dobrica.

I had eye surgery. A godfather visited me. I didn’t even know he was in Belgrade. Only now, I realize that he has been a month in a city and that he was alone. In reality, this is the „highlight“ of his life. Like his friend said, Nebojsa’s life is similar to Robinson Crusoe, except that Robinson had Friday. So how that happens. Simply, as a description of a clinical picture of psychiatric illness. He got sick first, then divorced, so many people forgot him, so he mostly struggled through life himself. And when you think of the stereotypically devastating scenario, his second wife, Anna Maria Langsig, came on the scene, and brought him back to life in Denmark (for which she deserves thanks eternally). And everything was different. The Danish doctors did not treat him as Serbian only by pharmacotherapy, but by psychotherapy, although Nebojsa had only just begun to learn Danish. And he learned it after 19 courses. Not only that, Nebojsa nostrified his diploma and became a „family doctor.“ It would be reasonable if he did not specialize in pediatric surgery before. This is where we now come to the fact that Nebojsa has achieved more than most of us. Even two complex medical specializations and three world languages. Besides,  he was fighting for his own life, he did not forget to financially support his first wife and son, who had completed his medical degree, and he is in postgraduate studies. Nebojsa told me once that he had struggled to survive with little money during studying and which he metaphorically described that he ended up Medical faculty in the same sweater. He wanted to give his son more. Just unmatched by how much his wife and son supported him. Well, is it possible that he was not once invited to lunch at their home, if for no other reason than to be grateful that he helped them all the years without limit. I know this may seem too harsh to many, but whether after a difficult surgery or post-anesthesia, I want to call things by real name and write down how my godfather is a good doer.

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