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Branko Milovanović (1967) – Zero gravity

26 Oct , 2018  

Možda Branko nije slučajno završio deo životnog ciklusa na Baliju.Iako je Indonezija većinska muslimanska zemlja, a Bali apsolutno hindustički, samo primećujem da ostrvo na kome vladaju Brama (Stvaralac), Višnu (Održavatelj) i Šiva (Rušitelj) očigledno nije tek tako postalo Brankov dom. Mada se trudim da ne pišem o ličnim stvarima, interesantno je kao je uspešni poslovni čovek iz Užica završio na ostrvu u Indijskom okeanu. Kao i mnogi koji streme velikim ciljevima imao je uspone i padove. Možda bi bilo srećnije da mu je Srbija dozvolila da se ponovo uzdigne, ali pokajanje, oprost, i prosvetljenje  našao na Baliju gde su ga prihvatili neki tuđi Bogovi. Tačnije Brama mu je udahnuo novu životnu energiju.  Posle malog destruktivnog mešanja Šive osnovao je ronilački klub, uspeo da prevaziđe probleme i izdigne se u prvih pet na ostrvu gde ih ima na stotine. Sada, očigledno pod zaštitom Višne uživa plodove svoga rada, znanja i ponovo pronađene dobrote. Sve je to nesebično podelio sa nama u bestežinskom prostoru mora. Naučili smo mnogo, a ja se opet podsetio velikog dubrovačkog pesnika Ivana Gundulića koje je rekao: Kolo od sreće uokoli vrteći se ne pristaje: tko bi gori, eto je doli, a tko doli gori ustaje.

It seems that Branko did not by chance complete a part of the life cycle in Bali. Although Indonesia is a big Muslim country, and Bali is absolutely hinduistic where dominate Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver) and Shiva (the Destroyer) obviously it is not just like that become Branko’s home. Even though I try not to write about personal issues, it is interesting how a successful businessman from Uzice ended up on an island in the Indian Ocean. Like many who are striving for great goals, there were rises and falls. Perhaps it would be happier that Serbia allowed him to rise again, but he found regret, forgiveness, and enlightenment in Bali where some other Gods accepted him. More precisely, Brahma breathed him the new life energy. After a small destructiveness of Shiva, he founded the scuba diving club, managed to overcome problems and rose in the top five on the island where hundreds of them are working. Now, apparently under the protection of Vishnu enjoys the fruits of his work, knowledge and re-found goodness. He has all unselfishly shared with us in zero gravity of the sea. We learned a lot, which remind me on the great poet of Dubrovnik, Ivan Gundulic, who said: The Wheel of Fortune circling around; Does not stop in its revolutions; Who was up, is turned down; And who was down, is lifted up.


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