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Katarina Manovski (1992) – Prvi srpski sportista u lednom penjanju / First Serbian athlete in Ice climbing

19 Jan , 2018  

I dok teniseri padaju u nesvest na 40 C na Australijan openu, mi smo nakon deset godina konačno dočekali da imamo prvog srpskog sportistu u lednom penjanju. Povezli smo Katarinu jer tako to biva u srpskom sportu, sve je prilično bez plana, ali se snalazimo. Krenuli smo u 6 h ujutro dan pre takmičenja da bi stigli oko 22h u Saas Grund gde je Katrina smeštena sa kolegama iz Slovenije i Hrvatske. Sutradan ujutro je opet ustala u 6 h, jer je takmičenje u Saas Fee-u  da bi stigla na početak kvalifikacija u lead-u (što je tehnika disciplina i vrlo je zahtevna). Nakon 4 sata u izolaciji Katarina je izašla na teren. Bila je super i osvetlala nam je obraz. Možda joj je malo nedostajalo iskustva, možda malo snage i svakako  više pomoći, jer nije normalno da se voziš 16 sati, a onda nakon samo 6 sati odmora  ideš na takmičenje, gde u izolaciji provedeš još 4 sata i onda izađeš na teren. Što kaže Novak sportisti su gladijatori. Međutim, ono što je podjednako važno upoznali smo veselu i ambicioznu devojku i već imamo velike planove. To je još jedna prednost života u Srbiji. Ništa nije razvijeno i gde god ozbiljno zagrebeš imaćeš uspeha. Što kažu Marijine drugarice kojima smo poslali selfi sa Katarinom iz kola „Smeje se, a nije ni svesna šta je čeka”

And while tennis players fell into unconsciousness at 40 C in the Australian Open, after ten years we finally got the first Serbian athlete in ice climbing. We have driven Katarina because that’s how it is in the Serbian sport, everything is quite unplanned, but we are dealing somehow. We started at 6 am the day before the competition to arrive around 10 pm at Saas Grund where Katrina is housed with colleagues from Slovenia and Croatia. The next morning, she got up again at 6 am, because the competition in Saas Fee was to get to the beginning of qualifications in the lead, (which is quite demanding technical discipline). After 4 hours in isolation Katarina came out on the field. She was great and she proudly represented Serbia. Maybe she lacked experience a little, perhaps a bit of strength, and of coursemore help, because it’s not normal to travel 16 hours, and then after only 6 hours of rest you go to the competition, where you spend 4 additional hours in isolation and then you go out on the field. As Novak said athletes are gladiators. However, what is equally important is that we met a happy and ambitious girl and we already have great plans. This is another advantage of life in Serbia. Nothing is developed and wherever you seriously grab you will have success. What Maria’s friends say when we send selfie with Katarina from the car „She laughs, but is not even aware of what is awaiting“


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