1000 portreta

Ozge Gulgun, (1980) – prestižno zanimanje ili robija / prestigious job or hard labor

27 Oct , 2017  

At the moment of landing of a Turkish airplane, stewardess sat opposite of me. She was sitting down from tiredness and struggled not to fall asleep. Although I was sitting in an emergency row and slept all the time with legs stretched out, it seemed to me that I felt part of her tiredness. In fact, I was only the only white passenger in the part of the plane with the Chinese. My forecast has come true that there will be no places on the plane when the Chinese begin to travel. However, what I could not foresee is the behavior of the Chinese. Already at the airport in Istanbul, they made a huge crowd. I would probably be suffocated if I was a bit smaller, but I dominated because I remembered the skills gained in the Belgrade’s buses. And when it seemed entering the airport bus was a solution I got a kick with a backpack, and then with woman’s bag. Simply, the Chinese do not look and I do not know why they are allowed, but they all carry a few bags. I carefully watched on the way to aircraft not to punch me with anything else. When I entered the plane, I was faster than anyone else, but you did not stop two of my neighbors from crossing each side of my seat space. One of them commented in English that seats were obviously not designed for stronger travelers (I would say obese). Luckily, I am training, otherwise they would crush me. And then in front of the stewardesses, in the part where the stroller with food and drink was prepared, the Chinese made a line. Everyone wore a thermos and asked to fill it with water. I have never seen it before, and I did not even know that there is a tap in the plane from which the drinking water flows. And where there are so many thermoses. Most of the passengers dropped shoes. They had prepared slippers from the hotel, although many of them removed socks. It was a pretty home stinky atmosphere. Food service was more or less okay, except that I noticed that many passengers asked for small bottles of wine. I guess to take it as souvenir. However, then the Chinese start to stand up, not waiting for the stewardess to take the tray with food. Everyone is wearing his own tray, and there is a lot of crowds, and instead of the stewardesses trying to discipline them, they took over the trays and dumped them. The line in front of the toilet was a special story. I do not know reason, but most of the Chinese have stayed in the toilet for more than 5 minutes, and the queue has grown. It was abnormal to stay in front of the toilet for half an hour waiting. I knew for obsession with intestines, but this was too much. It’s good that the plane has been flying for more than ten hours, so everyone has come to the toilet. Get out of the plane again crowded, but this time I went before everyone. And fortunately for a small number of foreigners, there is no crowd on passport control for foreign citizens, and the apocalypse was in Chinese part. I think that when Turkish airlines start to build today’s company Ozga was not even born. If at that time she was stewardesses she would have a prestigious job. Thus, she has probably become a stewardess over the last ten years in the era of the tremendous rise of the Turkish airlines, who now flies to over 300 destinations in the world, of which 4 in China, which are obviously not prestige than the hard labor.

U trenutku sletanja stjuardesa Turske avio kompanije sedela je preko puta mene. Klonula je od umora i borila se da ne zaspi. Iako sam sedeo u emergency redu i sve vreme spavao sa ispruženim nogama, čini mi se da sam osećao deo njenog umora. U stvari bio sam u jedini beli putnik u delu aviona sa Kinezima. Ostvarilo se moje predviđanje da neće biti mesta u avionu kada Kinezi počnu da putuju. Međutim, ono što nisam mogao da predvidim je ponašanje Kineza. Već na aerodromu u Istanbulu, napravili su ogromnu gužvu. Verovatno bih se ugušio da sam bio malo niži, ali ovako sam dominirao jer sam se podsetio veština stečenih u GSP-u. I kada se činilo da se ulazak u autobus činilo kako rešenje dobio sam udarac ruksakom, pa ženskom torbom. Jednostavno Kinezi ne gledaju i ne znam zašto im je dozvoljeno, ali svi nose po nekoliko torbi. Do aviona sam pažljivo motrio da me ne zavale još nečim. Pri ulasku u avion sam bio brži od svih, ali ti ipak nije sprečilo dvojcu mojih saputnika da rukom pređu svako sa svoje strane u moj prostor sedišta. Jedan od njih je prokomentarisao na engleskom, da sedišta očigledno nisu pravljena za razvijenije putnike (rekao bih gojazne). Sreća što treniram, inače bi me zgnječili. A onda se ispred stjuardese u delu gde spremaju kolica sa hranom i pićem napravio red Kineza. Svako je nosio termos i tražio da ga napuni vodom. To do sada nikad nisam ni video, a nisam ni znao da postoji slavina u avionu iz koje teče voda za piće. I odakle toliki termosi. Većina putnika je poskidala cipele. Imale su pripremljene papuče iz hotela, mada je mnogo njih skiknulo i čarape. Bila je to prilično kućna miomirisna atmosfera. Služenje hrane je proteklo manje-više u redu, osim što sam primetio da traže male boce sa vinom. Valjda da ih ponesu kao suvenire. Međutim, onda su Kinezi počeli da ustaju, ne čekajući da stjuardesa odnese poslužavnik sa hranom. Svako je nosi svoj, i nastala je prilična gužva, i umesto da stjuardese pokušaju da ih disciplinuju, bez rasprave su preuzimale poslužavnike i odlagale ih. Red ispred toaleta je bio posebna priča. Ne znam iz kog razloga, ali većina Kineza se zadržavala u WC-u više od 5 minuta, a red je rastao. Delovalo je nenormalno da provedite ispred toaleta pola sata čekajući. Znam za opsednutost sopstvenim crevima, ali ovo je bilo previše. Dobro je što je avion leteo duže od deset sati, pa su svi stigli na redu u WC-u. Izlazak iz aviona opet gužva, ali i ovog puta iskusno ispred svih. I na sreću zbog malog broja stranaca, nikakva gužva na pasoškoj kontroli za strane državljane, a apokalipsa na kineskom delu. Razmišljam da kada je Turkish menajo fizionomiju u današnju kompaniju Ozge se nije ni rodila. Da je tada bila stjuardesa imali bi prestižno zanimanje. Ovako verovatno je postala stjuardesa u poslednjih desetak godina sa vratolomnim usponom Turkisha koji danas leti na preko 300 destinaciju u Svetu, od toga 4 u Kinu, koja očigledno nisu prestiž nego robija.

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