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Zoran Jovanović (1961) – ambasador bodibildinga / bodybuilding ambassador

25 Aug , 2017  

Zoran je za najveći broj ljudi jedan od naših najuspešnijih bodibildera,za malo bolje poznavaoce on je junak spotova iz osamdesetih, kao i nekih kultnih filmova, kao što je Nije lako sa muškarcima, gde je bio dečko jednoj od ćerki Milene Dravić. On i danas izgleda kao lik iz nekog naučno-fantastičnog filma, obrijane glave i širokih ramena. Poslednja asocijacija je vezana za seriju The Strain, gde podseća na dobrog strigoja Kvinlana. Međutim, za mene je kolega i saradnik u sportskoj medicini, ishrani i antidopingu. Iako formalno nije završio fakultet, njegova znanje vezano za sport je vrlo specifično, praktično i precizno. Za on koji nisu upućeni, ceo bodibilding je takav, jedna vrsta subkulture u kojoj se samo bodibilderi snalaze dobro i u većini slučajeva nemaju želju da komuniciraju sa spoljnim svetom. Ta zatvorenost je uglavnom posledica neznanja, jer bodibilderi mnoge stvari rade napamet, bez razumevanja. Ali, ne i Zoran. Jednostavno ogromno iskustvo, 464 osvojenih medalja uticali su na njegovo apsolutno poznavanje nauke u onom najpraktičnijem smislu. Recimo, retko koji lekar zna za diuretski efekat kalijuma, a to je upravo važno u sportovima sa težinskom kategorijom u kojima su diuretici zabranjeni i tretiraju se kao doping. Kada mi je Zoran to prvi put rekao, mislio sam da priča tek tako, ali brzo sam uverio da je to tačno. A baš pred ovo pisanje portreta sam pronašao članak iz 1935. godine u JAMA, jednom od najčuvenijih medicinskih časopisa na svetu u kome se opisuje diuretski efekat kalijuma. Opet sam se uverio da znanje nije jednako diploma, već godine samopregornog rada na sebi i veliki entuzijazam.

For most of the people, Zoran is one of our the most successful bodybuilders, for a enthusiast he is a star from video clips of the ‘80s and some cult films, such as It’s Not Easy with Men, where he was a boyfriend to one of Milena Dravic’s daughters. He still looks like a character from a science fiction movie, with his shaven head and wide shoulders. The last association is related to series The Strain, where he is looking like good strigoi Quinlan. However, he is my colleague and associate in sports medicine, nutrition and antidoping. Although he has not formally completed his college, his knowledge of sports is very specific, practical and precise. For those who are not aware, whole bodybuilding is such, a kind of subculture where only bodybuilders work well and in most cases, have no desire to communicate with the outside world. This closeness is largely the result of ignorance, because many bodybuilders do things in a way, without understanding. But not Zoran. Simply a huge experience, the 464 medals he won, influenced his absolute knowledge of science in the most practical way. For example, doctors rarely know about the diuretic effect of potassium, which is just important in sports with weight categories in which diuretics are banned and treated as doping. When Zoran told me this for the first time, I thought he was just talking like that, but I quickly realized that it was true. Just before this portrait writing, I found an article from 1935. in JAMA, one of the most famous medical journals in the world that describes the diuretic effect of potassium. Again, I was convinced that knowledge is not the same as the degree, but a years of hardworking work and great enthusiasm.

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