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Radmila Ećimović (1958) – Da život pobedi / Let’s life to win

8 Jan , 2018  

Skidam zavoj sa ruke nakon davanja krvi  i prisećam se dosta toga, ali ne svega. Davao sam krv i za vreme rata, pregledao mnogo ranjenika, neke sam poznavao, neki su ostali bez nogu, imali su samo zavoj oko okrajka. Mi smo bili druga, treća linija. Uvek sam se pitao ko su bili oni koji su izvlačili ranjene borce sa prve borbene linije. Danas sam upoznao Radmilu. Kaže nije tu bilo „boraca”, ali bilo je dosta ranjenika. Pre rata imala je izuzetno zahtevan posao sestre na onkologiji, za vreme rata je češće nego drugi izvlačila ranjene i radila sve što je trebalo, a danas radi na transfuziji. Došla je iz Hrvatske. Svako se snašao na svoj način. Ja dodajem da se Srbija nije pokazala. Ona ne komentariše,  ali smo se zato siti ispričali o našoj deci i mojim unukama. Rekla je da sam mlad deda, a joj njoj  odgovorio da će uskoro dobiti unuke. Ne sećam se da li sam s njom spomenuo negativnu energiju ili Milošem koji je bio sa mnom, ali siguran sam da je Radmila nadvladala sve negativno. Upravo kako joj je pisalo na džepu mantila „Da život pobedi”.

I‘m taking bandage off after giving blood and I remember a lot, but not everything. I gave blood during the war many times, examined many wounded people, I knew some, some were left without legs, they only had a bandage around the stump. I was on the second, the third line. I always wondered who were those who were pulling the wounded fighters from the first battle line. Today I met Radmila. She said there were no “fighters”, but there were a lot of wounded. Before the war, she had an extremely demanding job as a nurse  on oncology, during the war she had more often than others taken wounded from the fire line and did everything they needed, and today she is working on a transfusion. She came from Croatia. Everyone managed in his own way. I add that Serbia did not help enough. She does not comment, but we are therefore spoke a lot about our children and my grandchildren. She said that I am young grandfather and I told her that she will get the grandkids soon. I do not remember whether I mentioned negative energy with her or Milos who was with me, but I’m sure that Radmila had overcome everything negative. Just as it is written on her  white coat pocket “Let’s life to win”.


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