1000 portraits

Michael Noakes (1933) – Portret nije ekvivalent biografije? / Portrait is not the equivalent of a biography?

8 Aug , 2017  

Iako moja ideja počiva na fotografiji i kratkoj biografiji osobe na fotografiji uvek sam u dilemi da li je to ispravno.  Naime, mnogi znalci misle drugačije.  Međutim na aktuelnoj izložbi u Nacionalne galerije portreta u Londonu pod nazivom Susret: Crteži od Leonarda do Rembranta pročitao sam mišljenje jednog od najpoznatijih kraljevskih portretista Majkl Nouks (’33) i Henrija Mija (’55) sa kojima se apsolutno slažem.

– Portret nije ekvivalent biografije, jer imate manje vremena i nije vam to ni cilj. Ali vrlo često se ispostavi da je moj prvi utisak o nekome onaj koji na kraju i prevlada – rekao je Majkl Nouks.

– Kada slika deluje kao da ima auru i kao da osećate prisustvo te osobe u sobi, onda je kompletna. Ključno je da prepoznate i razumete osobu na slici. – smatra Henri Mi.

Inače na izložbi je predstavljeno 50 studija i skica, nekih čuvenih žena i muškaraca, nekih sasvim nepoznatih saradnika i stranaca, zahvaljujući kojima se vidi kako se razvijala istorija portretnog slikarstva u rukama starih evropskih majstora. To i nije čudno jer Velika Britanija postala centar ove umetničke forme u 18 veku, a nacionalna opsesija portretima ostavila je ogroman legat umetnika iz cele Evrope. Za portretistu Henrija Mija, opadanje narudžbina portreta je gubitak za istoričare – Ovo digitalno doba ostaviće malo tragova za naše buduće generacije. Neće biti prašnjavih kutija sa negativima, polarodiima i nerazivijenim filmovima, premda će izvori o načinu na koji slikari danas razmišljaju o modelima možda biti jednako važan za buduće istoričare kao što je porodica Karlosa IV bila za nas – kaže Mi.

Sa ovim poslednjim mišljenjem se apsolutno ne slažem jer je upravo zahvaljujući digitalnoj fotografiji portret dobio na masovnosti, piritom ne želim ni da spomenem selfie o čemu ću da pišem nekom drugom prilikom.

Although my idea relay on photography and a short biography of a person in photography, I am always in the dilemma whether it is right. Namely, many experts think differently. However, at the current exhibition at the National Portraits Gallery in London: The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt I read the opinion of one of the most famous royal Portraitists Michael Noakes (’33) and Henry Mee (’55) with whom I absolutely agree.

– Portrait is not the equivalent of a biography, because you have less time and it is not your goal. But it’s very often that my first impression about someone ultimately prevails – said Michael Noakes.

– When the picture appears to have an aura and as if you feel the presence of that person in the room, then it is complete. The key is to recognize and understand the person in the picture. – believes Henri Mi.

Otherwise, the exhibition presents 50 studies and sketches, some famous women and men, some completely unknown associates and foreigners, thanks to which you can see how the history of portrait painting developed in the hands of old European masters. This is not strange because Great Britain became the center of this art form in the 18th century, and the national obsession with portraits left a huge legacy of artists from all over Europe. For Portraitist Henry Mee, the decline in portrait orders is a loss for historians – This digital age will leave little trace for our future generations. There will be no dusty boxes with negatives, polaroid  and non-exposed films, although the way painters today are thinking about models may be equally important for future historians like the Carlosa IV family for us – says Mee.

With this last thought I absolutely disagree, because thanks to digital photography portraits got on limitlessness, I do not even want to mention selfie, which I will write on another occasion.


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