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Nebojša Cvjetićanin (2009) – Nebeski hodač na vikendu u Adrovcu / Skywalker on the weekend in Adrovac

14 Aug , 2017  

Odlazak na selo sa Milošem i njegovim sinom Nebojšom bio je planiran kao vikend odmor. Međutim, bio je više od toga. Iako je Miloš sprečavao svog sina, razgovor je neumitno tekao u pravcu serijala Rata Zvezda. Nebojša je jednostavno odgledao sve nastavke više puta, dovoljno da u svakom zna ko je pobedio i kako su napredovali džedaj vitezovi. Ono što je u početku bio deo improvizacije pretvorilo se u priču koja je preklapala prošlost i sadašnjost, naučnu i epsku fantastiku. Očigledno da su mi priče mog deda Neše pomogle da smestim džedaje u Gornji Adrovac i da  koristeći istorijske događaje povežem borbu Luka Nebeskog hodača i Darta Vejdera. Uspeo sam čak i da bitku sa Turcima iz 1876. godine prepričam kao jedinu bitku u kojoj je Dart Vejder ranjen. Nebojša je otvorenih očiju slušao o sili i hrabrosti seljana, odnosno džedaj vitezova koji su se suprotstavili takvoj vojsci. A bilo mi  je lako, jer sam „silu“ smestio u Adrovac. Verovatno sam ja slično gledao deda Nešu kada mi je pričao o Kraljeviću Marku, vili Ravijojli i Musi Kesedžiji. Pa šta bi bilo da nije bilo šestoperca, Marko nikad ne bi pobedio, kao ni Nebeski hodač bez laserskog mača. Pojava nekih starijih seljana koje sam predstavio kao prijatelje Obi Van Kenobija, potpuno je razrešila nedoumicu oko toga  da li se Nebojša zaista nalazi u selu džedaj vitezova. Za njega je bilo pitanje samo kada će moći da položi i postane vitez. Možda bi sve bila šala da me oči Nebojše nisu podsetile na mene i uporno ponavljanje pitanja upućenih deda Neši i uvek još jedno i, i, i šta je bilo? Sećam se umornog deda Neše koji je kroz san prepričavao kako se nebo otvorilo i vila Ravijojla dala spasonosni savet Kraljeviću Marku pre nego je rasporio Musu Kesedžiju.

Javi mu se iz oblaka vila:
„Zašto brate, Kraljeviću Marko!
Jesam li ti, bolan, govorila
da ne činiš u neđelju kavge?
Sramota je dvoma na jednoga;
đe su tebe guje iz potaje?“
Glednu Musa brdu i oblaku,
otkud ono vila progovara;
mače Marko nože iz potaje,
te raspori Musu Kesedžiju
od učkura do bijela grla.

A najviše sam zakomplikovao stvar kada sam rekao da podržavam mračnu silu i Dart Vejdera, jer je on otac Luka Nebeskog hodača. To je valjda odlika današnjih serija da je sve moguće, što čak ni osmogodišnjem detetu nije jasno.

Dart Vejder: Nema bekstva. Ne teraj me da te uništim. Luke, još uvek ne shvataš svoj značaj. Počeo si da otkrivaš svoju moć. Pridruži mi se, a ja ću završiti tvoju obuku. Sa našom zajedničkom snagom, možemo završiti ovaj destruktivni sukob i dovesti red u galaksiju.
Luk Nebeski hodač: Nikad se ti neću pridružiti!
Vejder: Da si samo spoznao moć Mračne Strane. Obi-Van ti nikada nije rekao šta se desilo sa tvojim ocem.
Luk: Rekao mi je dovoljno! Rekao mi je da si ga ubio!
Vejder: Ne. Ja sam tvoj otac.
Luk: Ne … ne. To nije istina. To je nemoguće!
Vejder: Oslobodi svoja osećanja, i znaćeš da je istina!
Luk: Neeee! Neeeee!

Going to the village with Milos and his son Nebojsa was planned as a weekend break. However, that was more than that. Although Milos was trying to stop his son, the conversation was going in the direction of the Star Wars series. Nebojsa simply watched all the series many times, enough to know in everyone who won and how the Jedi Knights developed. What initially was part of the improvisation turned into a story which overlapped the past and the present, scientific and epic fantasy. Apparently the stories of my grandfather Nesa helped me to put down the Jedi in Upper Adrovac and to use the historical events to connect the battle of the Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. I even succeeded in persuading that the battle with the Turks from 1876 was the only battle in which Darth Vader was wounded. Nebojsa listened openly about the strength and courage of the villagers, who has been  presented as the Jedi Knights who opposed Turkish army. And it was easy for me, because I put the „force“ in Adrovac. Probably I looked at my grandfather Nesa similarly when he was talking about Prince Marco, Fairy Ravijojla and Musa the Outlaw. So what would it be if there were no maces, Marko would never have won, neither would have Skywalker without his laser sword. The appearance of some of the elderly villagers whom I presented as friends of Obi-Wan Kenobi has completely solved the dilemma about whether Nebojša is really in the village of Jedi Knights. He was only asked when he could stand and become a knight. Perhaps it would all be a joke if Nebojsa’s eyes did not remind me of me and my grandfather Neša and the persistent repetition of the question and, and, and what happened then? I remembered my tired grandfather Neša who recounted sleepily how the sky opened and the fairy Ravioila gave the valuable advice to Princ Marco before carving Musa the Outlaw.

From the clouds the Vila made known her presence:
„How now, brother Kraljevic Marko!
Did I not lay charge upon thee.
To do no battle on the holy Sabbath ?
It were shame also that two should prevail against one.
Bethink thee! Where are thy hidden fangs?
Musa looked up to the hills and to the clouds,
If haply he might know whence came the voice of the Vila.
Right so Marko drew forth a knife craftily,
And so he carved Musa the Outlaw
From the navel even to the white throat.
(The ballads of Marko Kraljevic. Translated by D. H. LOW, Cambridge at the University  Press, 1922)

And the most complicated thing was when I said I supported the Dark Force and Darth Vader, because he is the father of Luke Skywalker. That’s probably the characteristic of today’s series that everything is possible, which is not clear even for eight years old kid.

Darth Vader: There is no escape. Don’t make me destroy you. Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.
Luke Skywalker: I’ll never join you!
Vader: If you only knew the power of the Dark Side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
Luke: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!
Vader: No. I am your father.
Luke: No…no. That’s not true. That’s impossible!
Vader: Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
Luke: Noooo! Nooooo!


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