1000 portreta

Martin Bermoser (1978) – 40. rođendan/ 40th birthday

5 Jun , 2018  

Odrastao sam sa glumcima, odgledao mnogo predstava, neke i po više puta i mislim da znam šta je dobra gluma. Naravno nije bilo lako.  Kada se samo setim Iljif i Petrova i predstave Zlatno telo, potpuna prekretnica u mom razumevanju pozorišta. Najviše mi je ostala u sećanju Crvenkapa u kojoj glume Duda (Dubravka Stojanović) i Saška (Aleksandra Simić), koju sam sa Ninom odgledao više od deset puta.  Sada imam priliku da gledam mog zeta, Martina Beromsera. On je neverovatan glumac, potpuno kontroliše scenu i sjajno glumi, čak i kada ima malu ulogu u Kiss me Kate ili Seviljskom berberinu, gde kao sluga Ambrosio izaziva više aplauza, nego operski pevači na sceni. Naravno, kao veliki poznavalac Čarobnjaka iz Oza moga da kažem da je on jedan od najubedljivijih lavova, i to drugačiji i potpuno originalan u odnosu na već viđeno. Konačno, juče sam ga gledao u hit predstavi I am from Austria u kojoj glumi u alternaciji dobrog i lošeg momka. Juče je bio odličan kao good guy u glavnoj ulozi, zaista dobar i to je ono što mora da se prizna. Zašto pišem ovoliko o glumcu. Pa zato što je moja ćerka udata za njega, a meni je jasno kakve žrtve umetnički život zahteva, pogotovo da bi gluma bila na takvom nivou. Naravno sve je to uredu, jer imam dve najdivnije unuke na svetu, ali nikada ne treba zaboraviti reči iz Gospođe Ministarke, da je zet najkraća srpska reč, posebno kada se pravilno akcentuje uz britki pokret ruke preko vrata.

I grew up with actors, watched a lot of shows, some of them many times, and I think I know what is good acting. Of course it was not easy. When I only remember Ilf and Petrova and show The Little Golden Calf, a complete milestone in my understanding of the theater. Most of all, I remembered Little Red Riding Hood in which acted Duda (Dubravka Stojanović) and Sashka (Aleksandra Simic), which I watched with Nina more than ten times. Now I have the chance to watch my son-in-law, Martina Beromser. He is an incredible actor, totally controls the scene and plays greatly, even when he has a small role in Kiss me Kate or The Barber of Seville, where as a servant Ambrosio he gets more applause than opera singers on the scene. Of course, as a great expert of the Wizard of Oz, I can say that he is one of the most lavish lions, and he is different and completely original compared to what was already seen. Finally, I watched him yesterday in the hit show I am from Austria in which he plays in the alternative a good and bad guy. Yesterday he was great as a good guy in the main lead, really good and that’s what should be admitted. Why am I writing about this actor? Because my daughter is married to him, and to me it is clear what kind of sacrifices artistic life demands, especially for the acting to be at such a level. Of course it’s all right with me, because I have two most lovable grandchildren in the world, but it should not be forgotten the words from the show Mrs. Minister, that the son in law (zet) is the shortest Serbian word, especially when it is accentuated with the brisk movement of the hand across the neck.

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