1000 portreta

Duško Jovanović (1951) – Menhetn u Beogradu / Manhattan in Belgrade

25 Dec , 2017  

Priđe mi muzička legenda i razmeni utiske o unucima,dok tražim na Internetu poklon za unuku. Iako je nemoguće porediti se ne samo zbog razlike u godinama, već zato što je Duško to počeo mnogo ranije, ostaje mi da verujem da će i moje unuke biti dobre kao njegov unuka i unuka. Iako izgleda neverovatno, prepoznajemo se. Neko svira, a neko voli da sluša džez. Sve ove godine Duško svira, a ja se borim da što manje propustim. I nekako ispada da kada smo najsiromašniji imamo najbolji džez u restoranima. Kao u vreme prohibicije u Njujorku. Svirao je te večeri u bendu Nade Pavlović u restoranu u dvorištu, a ljudi su slušali, pa zamislite i aplaudirali. Prava retkost, obično se ovi iz rijalitija nadvikuju sa muzikom, a te večeri je bogme bilo aplauza. Naš sto je bio među najstarijima, a možda i najiskusnijima. Zato smo valjda i prepoznavali sve te džez standarde, ali i muziku Darka Kraljića i evergrin šezdesetih. Rastajemo se nasmejani, a ja odlazim kući, sedam za kompjuter, slušam džez i beležim ovaj susret da ne zaboravim.

Musical legend came to me and exchanged impressions about grandchildren, while I’m looking for an Internet gift for a grandchild. Although it is impossible to compare, not only because of the difference in years, but because Dusko started it much earlier, it remains to me that my grandchildren will be as good as his grandson and granddaughter. Although it looks incredible, we recognize each other. Someone plays, and someone likes to listen to jazz. All this year, Dusko plays, and I struggle not to miss anything. And it turns out that when we are the poorest we have the best jazz in the restaurants. Like at the time of prohibition in New York. He played that night in Nada Pavlovic’s band in a restaurant in the yard, and people listened, and imagine, they applaud. True rarity, these reality shows people are usually overlapped with music, and that evening they applauded. Our table was among the oldest, and perhaps even the most experienced. That’s why we must have recognized all these jazz standards, but Darko Kraljic music and the evergreen of the sixties. We said goodbye, I went home, sit down for a computer, continued to listen to jazz and recorded this encounter, so that I cannot forget.

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