Noli me tangere

Vladimir Milovanović (1962-1975) – Bakamejac

25 May , 2018  

Ne sećam se ko je napisao priču o Vladi na spomeniku,ali toliko je sve tačno da nisam pročitao, nekih stvari se ne bih setio: treća klupa, plava kosa, nesputana energija, šarmer, sportista, zaista je imao horog koji se teško brani. Međutim, ono čega se svaki put setim kada mu palim sveću, je naše pecanje na Jesenici, koje se završilo u zvirenjem iz žbunja ka delu plaže gde su se kupale u to vreme najzgodnije devojke Palanke. Ajde što su bile u toplesu, nego što smo ih videli dok su se presvlačile. Bili smo potpuno oduševljeni, ko da smo profurali. Naša tajna i fantazije su nestala jednim udarom struje dok je Vlada pokušavao da zaradi pare za more u fabrici voća. Ko zna kako bi danas izgledao, toliko se stvari desilo. On je nosio nadimak po svojoj baki (baka moja = bakameja), a ja sam u međuvremenu postao deda dvema devojčicama. Bez obzira na sve mislim da nijednom nisam zaboravio da pomislim na Vladu kada palim sveće, što znači da je on još uvek živ, jer dokle god ga se sećamo, on je tu.

I don’t remember who wrote the story about Vlada at the monument, but it is so precise that if I didn’t read it, I wouldn’t remember some things: third bench, blond hair, untouched energy, the charmer, the athlete, really indefensible hook shot. However, what I remember every time I light the candle is our fishing in Jesenice river, which ended in a peeping to the part of the beach where they were bathing at the time of the most beautiful girls of Palanka. Not only they have been topless, but we saw them while they were changing. We were totally crazy, like we dated with them. Our secret and the fantasies disappeared with one electric shock while the Vlada was trying to make money for the sea holiday in the fruit factory. Who knows how he would look today, so many things happened. He was nicknamed by his grandmother (baka moja = bakameja), and in the meantime I became a grandfather of two girls. Regardless of everything, I think that I never forgot to think about Vlada when I light candles, which means that he is still alive, because as long as we remember him, he is there.

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