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Marko Nastić (1979) – ali, odličan / So good

15 Feb , 2019  

Pošto nisam mogao da otputujem da ga slušam u Kolumbiji ili na Tajlandu,iskoristio sam Sv. Valentajn i prvi put uživo slušao Marka u Beogradu. I bilo je dobro. Čini mi se mnogo bolji nego drugi. Baš dobar. Raspoloženje je sve vreme držao dobar ritam. To očigledno svi ne umeju, a i izbor muzike je bolji. Mislio sam da ću slušati uglavnom njegovu muziku, a puštao nam je svašta. Zahvaljujući Shazmu pronalazim nazive nepoznatih muzičara i bendova iz celog sveta. Kako god važno je da se prepustiš i muzika te nosi. Podsetila me je na neke ronilačke žurke u Šarm el Šejku. Gledam oko sebe mlade ljude koja se pomeraju u ritmu. Iako je već prošlo tri klub je pun. I to je verovatno prednost elektronske muzike deluje kao neka vrsta veze između primalnog i modernog. Nekako je prijemčiva i samo se prepustiš ritmu. Kao u plemenu Masaija. Možda mi ne dostaju prepoznatljivije melodije, volim kada su umiksovane u ritam ili one kao što je radio Avicii, ali očigledno i elektronsku muziku treba slušati da bi je razumeo. Ono što je bilo juče subkultura danas predstavlja svetsku kulturu. Prava ekspanzija tehnologije u rukama nasmejanog Marka.

Since I could not leave to listen to him in Colombia or Thailand, I used St. Valentine to listen Marko in Belgrade for the first time. And it was good. It seems to me better than others. So good. The mood kept a good rhythm all the time. He obviously knows what he is doing, and the choice of music is better. I thought I would listen mainly his original music, but he was playing everything. Thanks to Shazam, I find the names of unknown musicians to me and bands from around the world. Whatever it is important to let the music to carry you. It reminded me of some diving parties in Sharm El Sheikh. I look around young people who are moving in rhythm. Although 3 a.m. passed clubs is full. And this is probably the advantage of electronic music acting as a kind of connection between the primal and the modern. It’s kind of receptive and you just give up the rhythm. Like in the Masai tribe. Perhaps I am missing more recognizable melodies, mixed up in the rhythm on the way the Avicii worked. Obviously electronic music should be listened to understand it. What was yesterday’s subculture, today is a world culture. Real expansion of technology in the hands of smiling Marko.

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