1000 portreta

Jugoslav Juga Živić (1969) – Predsednik sela ili starešina u prošlosti / Village president or Chief in the past

20 Aug , 2018  

Mislim da se u prošlosti predsednik sela zvao starešina  i da je uprkos manje značajnom imenu imao mnogo više uticaja. Šta je danas predsednik, pogotovo na selu gde više nema ljudi, kada svi više vole i podrumsku garsonjeru u varošici od prostrane kuće na seoskom brdašcu. Pa zavisi od samog predsednika, ali i od seljana. U Gornjem Adrovcu, selu moga dede, starešina je sredinom prošlog veka imao više uticaja nego sreski načelnik, jer se na obodima sela branila granica sa Turcima. A onda se u Adrovcu dogodilo nešto što je definitvno sprečilo da danas selo potpuno odumre. Poginuo je ruski pukovnik Nikola Rajevski, tačnije osoba koja je poslužila Tolstoju u stvaranju lika Vronskog iz Ane Karenjine. Sve ono što se kasnije dešavalo je deo istorije. Tetka Rajevskog je podigla identičnu crkvu u Razumovskom gde je sahranjen i Adrovacu gde je ispustio dušu. Danas je to jedini razlog da nepoznati navrate u selo. U to vreme Gornji Adrovac je imao sličan broj stanovnika kao San Dijego, ali se vremenom situacija promenila, tako da danas u San Dijegu živi skoro milion i po ljudi, a u Adrovcu jedva  50. Mislite da ću da kažem da bi Juga više voleo da bude u San Dijegu, a ne u Adrovcu. Možda ste u pravu. San Dijego je jedan od retkih gradova gde bih voleo da živim. Ali ne, Juga je dosta postigao i u selu gde skoro niko ne živi. Iako nemaju više sira. Nema više različitog povrća i voća. Dedin vinograd je izgoreo, a njegova najveća njiva (2 hektara) ne daje više kao pre. Uveli su vodu,  imaju ulično osvetljenje… U stvari cela priča je imala za ideju da pokaže da više na selu nije moguće živeti od svog rada. Dedina njiva i ostale njive su othranile toliko porodica, a danas sa iste površine nije moguće zaraditi ćevape za društvo. Prema Juginoj analizi na oranje je potrošeno 8100 dinara, na žito 21000 dinara, prskanje korova 12 hiljada, a đubrivo duplo, konačno na kombajn 24000 dinara, što je uz ostale troškove skoro 100 hiljada dinara. Ukupan prinos po hektaru je bio  4 tone, što na dva hektara daje prihod od 104000 dinara ili profit  od neverovatnih 4000 dinara, jer kilo pšenice u ovoj državi košta svega 13 dinara. A gde je tu rad, upotreba mašina i sl. I to je početak i kraj odgovora gde je selo danas i šta je bolje biti predsednik danas ili starešina u prošlosti.

I think that in the past the village president was called chief and despite his less significant name, he had much more influence. What is today the president, especially in a village where there is no more people, when everyone loves more a cellar studio in a small town then a spacious house on a village hill. It depends on the president himself, but also on the villagers. In Gornji Adrovac, my grandfather’s village, the chief had more influence in the middle of the last century than then head of the region, because on the perimeter of the village which defended the border with the Turks. And then something happened in Adrovac that definitely prevent the village from complete disappearing. Russian colonel Nikola Rajevski was killed by Turks, more precisely the person who served Tolstoy in the creation of Vronski’s character in Anna Karenina. All what was happening later is part of history. Rajevski’s Aunt raised an identical church in Razumovske where he was buried and Adrovac where he lost his soul. Today church is the only reason to unknown to come to the village. At that time, Gornji Adrovac had a similar number of inhabitants as San Diego, but eventually the situation changed, so that today in San Diego there is almost a million and half people and in Adrovac only 50. You think that I would say that the Juga would prefer to be in San Diego, not in Adrovac. Maybe you’re right. San Diego is one of the few cities where I would like to live. But no, the Juga has achieved a lot in a village where almost no one lives. Although they do not have more cheese, no more different vegetables and fruits, grandfather’s vineyard was burnt down, and his largest field (2 hectares) is no longer giving the same as before, but villagers have built water supply, put street lighting … In fact, the whole story had an idea to show that it is not possible to live in the village any more. Grandfather’s fields and other fields have supported so many families, and today it is not possible to make money for cevapcici for the friends. According to Juga analysis, 8100 dinars were spent on ploughing, 21000 dinars were spent on wheat, 12 thousand for herbicide, and for fertilizer double, finally for the harvest 24000 dinars, which is total almost 100 thousand dinars. The total yield per hectare was 4 tons, which gives on two hectares income of 104000 dinars or a profit of an “incredible” 4000 dinars, because the kilogram of wheat in this country costs only 13 dinars. And where is the work, the use of machines, and so on? And that’s the beginning and the end of the answer where the village is today and what is better to be president today or the chief in the past.


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